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'hmm I suppose I should get up. I have things to do' getting up and dressed Milana fixed her hair and walked out. 'coffee, breakfast then I will go to the gas station'.
"Morning milana" "morning. Do you want a coffee and some fruit?" "Yes thanks. I can cut up the fruit" "okay".
'oh I want to speak with Kaylee' grabbing her work phone, milana dialled kaylees number. "Good morning princess" "good morning queen. I have a question for you?" "It's not a coffee date is it. I have plans" "Nuh I'm not paying for your coffee" Kaylee laughed "what have you got in mind?" "Can I hit the male market?" Markus took a deep breath "well yeah you can. Since when do you want to hit the male?" "With a fucking bat" "don't we all. All lines?" "Nah a friend mentioned he wants me to make an urban line for males" "Benji" "no" "oh.. that wasn't good" "kendric" "haven't met him. The male lines are easy. Here's an idea for now to get him off of your case. Go down and buy what you think looks good and throw it in his face" Milana laughed "there's an idea. Even if I was to do a line for men, it wouldn't be for atleast a couple of years" Markus relaxed "you already have a bit going on" "yep. Keeping your fine ass employed" "well I quit for the day" "fair enough well enjoy your day of no work and I will chat with you soon" "you do that. Bye princess" "bye queen".
"Here dad" "thanks. Your fruit is ready" "thanks."
Drinking their coffees and eating their food, none of them spoke a word.
"Are you going to the station today?" "Gas and police" "what time are you meeting with that woman?" "Midday" "right I will let Devon know. When people see things like that, they can go crazy" "okay. Well I need to go to the gas station and if I have time, go to the police station before I meet with Tracey. I will see you later" "I am coming" "right". 'i need to make sure she is mentally stable to work. I know it hurt her but I won't be questioning her about it'.

"Miss Nash" Milana grinned "you must be Mike" "yes ma'am. Please come through to the office. A transaction so large should not be done out the front" "of course".
Entering the office, all three sat down.
"You mentioned seven thousand?" "What?" Milana looked at her dad then at Mike "yes. This woman needs a head start with her new car" mike grinned "she is very lucky. Okay we need to process the payment so I can put the money on the card" "that's fine". Processing the payment, mike nodded "it's in" mike typed in traceys card details and added the seven thousand to it before printing out two receipts. "Okay this is her card. All she will need to do when she comes in, is to show this to a staff member. When we have her last name, she will need to show her ID when paying with the card. Each transaction she will receive a receipt with the remaining amount" "perfect. If she loses her card?" "She can get a new one until the balance is at zero" Milana grinned "that's great. Hopefully that doesn't happen but I just needed to check" "it's fine ma'am. Okay that's all done. Is there anything else you need?" "An envelope if you have one please" "yes of course. Here you go" "thank you Mike. I hope you have a good day" "and you too".

'okay that's done' Milana placed the envelope in the center console then drove to the station.

"Miss and mister Nash. What can we do for you?" "I want harassment charges placed on Jules crosbe" "have you got evidence?" "Yes I do" grabbing out her personal phone, Milana swiped the messages off of her screen leaving the missed call notifications.
"We can take this to a private room" "that would be great, thank you".
"Okay all by phone?" "Yes. First a voice mail and now twenty three missed calls" "oh" Milana nodded. "I will grab the recorder then you can play that voice recording" "thanks".
"Okay miss Nash the recording has started" "thanks" playing the recording, the Sargent stopped the tape. "Not only harassment but threats to your life" "yes sir" "you said twenty three missed calls from her?" "Yes" Milana showed the missed calls to the Sargent. "Right. We are familiar with that family, I will get the paperwork sorted then visit her premises. Can I take a photo of those missed calls?" "Of course. I will clear the others" Milana cleared the other missed calls then handed her phone to the Sargent. "All done miss Nash. I will be in contact" "thank you very much for your time" "you are very welcome. Have a good day" "and you too. Thank you".

"What was next?" "I need to go home" "to get the car?" "To put the car seat in and yes to take the car in. I want to get there at eleven thirty so I can make sure she is working then put the bow on" Markus internally grinned. "Don't forget to grab the card out" "I won't. It will go with the transfer papers" "and the transfer is already signed?" "By me. I will get a copy when she signs it in front of me" "good Idea hate for her to betray you" "I don't see it happening".

Arriving back at the house, Devon was already there. "Milana" "Devon how are you?" "Fine. I believe I am coming with you to take the car in" "dad mentioned it might get crazy" "it's possible. Prepare yourself for paparazzi" "as always. I need to go install the car seat. Oh the card" grabbing the card out, Milana locked her car then walked in the house and into the garage.
Removing the car seat from the box, Milana got started.

"How has she been?" "Same as last night. Putting her all into work and this" "did you speak with Benji?" "No" "I thought.." "she doesn't want me to..I believe they have communicated but I don't think it's good" "shit" "we shouldn't have said anything. It's not our business" "you had concerns" "yeah.. now I am really concerned but I'm not saying anything. She is already on edge".

'who?. Frankie' "Frankie, how are you?" "I'm well. When suits you to see these tags?" "What's your availability? I will give mistress and passion a call" "all day tomorrow" "alright let me make a couple of calls and call you back" "alright bye" "bye".

"Milana how are you?" "Well thank you. Our tags have arrived. Are you available at all tomorrow?" "One" "perfect at heathscope?" "See you then. Bye Milana" "bye".

"Miss Nash, does this call mean good news?" "It does. Our tags are ready to be viewed. Are you available tomorrow?" "Most of the day. What time are you thinking?" "One thirty at heathscope?" Markus walked out to see Milana on the phone. 'argh'. "That's perfect Milana. I will see you then" "bye alandro" "bye".
'okay one more call then I am done'.

"Milana?" "One and one thirty tomorrow at heathscope" "argh I hate that building" Milana chuckled "soon we can do it on ground floor" "yeah good. I'm happy with those times. Who first?" "Mistress" "and alandro at one thirty?" "Correct" "booked in. See you then" "you will. Bye Frankie" "bye".
Milana put her phone away then got back to making sure the car seat is secure.
'okay I need to make sure the manuals for everything is in sight. Oh the receipt for the car seat'. Milana closed the back door then walked inside. "Milana you really should slow down" "I need the receipt for the car seat Incase something goes wrong" "alright that I understand". Entering the office, Milana grabbed the receipt and took a photo of it before walking back out. 'nuh I need a large envelope' entering the office again, Milana grabbed a large envelope from the top drawer then walked back out. "How are you planning to get home?" "I can.." "she can come in my car" "right that will make me feel more comfortable" Milana nodded then entered the garage.

"She's on a mission" "she is keeping her mind going and she wants to leave in.. five minutes. Jesus that has gone fast".

Milana grabbed everything she needs and put it in the envelope and placed it on the passenger seat before opening the garage and started the car up. 'purring like a kitten'. Letting the car warm up, Milana grabbed her bag and made sure she had everything she needs before looking at Devin and Markus. "I am heading to the supermarket" "right we will be following" "okay".
Getting back in the Honda, Milana put her belt on then reversed out. Waiting for the garage to close, Milana then drove to the supermarket.

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