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"now we are back. You need to go to bed" "to the kitchen. The doctor said I can eat solids. No dairy for the next two days" "none?" "No" Milana entered the kitchen. "We can make you something" "I want a coffee" "black" "it has to be" "you shouldn't be home" "I have my instructions" "they are?" "Minimal movement. no dairy for two days. No soaps for a week. Sleeping on my back. Nurse visits once a day for a week. Pain relief when needed" "that's it?" "No heavy lifting" "and you obviously need help getting dressed" Milana only nodded "if I need to.." "no I will be home".
"Go sit" Milana walked out and slowly sat down at the table.
Calvin moved and sat on the table right in front of Milana "I don't want to hear it" "well someone has to tell you. You are an idiot" "thanks" "you should've stayed in hospital.." "I was not going to be staying in hospital. They wake you up all the fucking time. I surely wasn't being fed from a tube. Their beds are uncomfortable. It's cold. Bland and fucking boring. Nope" "you better fucking follow those instructions. We have a fucking man to hunt down" "there was no man.." "behind it all there was" "here gorgeous" "thanks Benji" "Calvin's right. There was" "who?" Benji turned his eyes "mack" "what?" "It was mack" Milana took a deep breath "your thoughts?" "Its not my problem. I don't understand why he would ever go to that extent. He may have been annoyed but it wasn't you and he betrayed me. He betrayed us" Milana showed a slight nod. 'mack. Out of fucking everyone. I thought we could trust him the most' when the door opened, Milana kept her eyes away from whoever entered. "Oh you can keep you fucking eyes away from me all you fucking like. Are you stupid?" "I was told I am" Milana filled her mouth with her food. "You are. Hospital is the best place for you and your baby right now" "she's not going to talk to you if you keep having a go at her" "well she needs to hear it" "just let him vent. I'm eating, having my coffee, going for a shower and going to bed" "you should be at the fucking hospital Milana" Milana just stayed silent making Benji internally grin. Finishing her meal, Calvin moved the plate and Milana drank the rest of her coffee. "I will take them" "thanks" Milana got up and walked away to her room. Closing the door, Milana entered the bathroom and slowly removed her clothes. 'mother fuckers' entering the shower, Milana made the temperature perfect and relaxed under the water.

"None of you are going to fight her on it?" "There's no point fighting her. She is only going to fight back" "her silence says she is putting her foot down. She's following doctors orders" "what orders?" "Minimum movement. no dairy for two days. No soaps for a week. Sleeping on her back. Nurse visits once a day for a week. Pain relief when needed and No heavy lifting" "for fuck sake who the hell let her go?" "The head doctor of the hospital" "fucking idiot" "oh she was firing in there" "argh" Benji chuckled "what has you laughing?" "Oh I'm used to her. You are so out of practice" the men laughed "been on her bad side Benji?" "Not me. Others" "right. Well hopefully you can talk some sense in to her" "she's fine here" Devon shook his head "stubborn" "yep".

'finally some peace' laying down on her back in bed, Milana closed her eyes. Feeling the bed dip, Milana immediately opened her eyes. "Only me. I didn't get a kiss" "all the men still here?" "Yeah they are" "do you know where my phone is?" "Yep" Benji grabbed it out of his pocket. "Quite a few have tried contacting you" "I will have a look" "not sleeping?" "Avoiding being scolded" "I will come give you some company shortly. I know Calvin and the rest are going on a hunt" "when you want to" benji showed a handsome grin before connecting his lips with milanas "if you weren't injured, I'd be taking advantage of those hormones" "argh" Benji chuckled"oh I still can" "go" Benji grinned as he got off the bed 'oh I plan to please her. I don't give a fuck if she can't do anything right now'.

Amelia - heard you were admitted to hospital. I hope it's nothing too serious.
- hey woman, some bitches got to me but I'm at home. Just on bed rest right now.

Killian - fuck Milana, we heard what happened. Six men came into the club killing the eight girls who did that to you. I have spoke with benji, he said you are in hospital. I hope you are doing alright. I swear we had no idea what those girls were up to.
- hey Killian, thanks for the concern. I am out of hospital and stuck doing nothing for now but it's what's best for myself and our baby. I discharged myself. There's no way I was staying there. Thanks for letting me know. I hope you are well.

Alandro - miss Nash. back for a short period and the paparazzi can not get enough of you, Like all of us. I do hope we can arrange a meeting. I would love to see you. I have heard some exciting and some worrying news. Please do keep in contact.
- mister molten, it's wonderful to hear from you. I would like that. It's been many years. When I am healed, I will contact you. Take care.

"This is not sleeping" "I'm not sleeping, I'm avoiding a scolding" "we just worry" "yeah but I know my instructions" "and you will stick to them?" "Yes I will" devon showed a small grin as he sat on the side of the bed. "You were very lucky" "just hoes that can't use a weapon" "well they knew how to receive them" "those men don't miss" "how are you feeling?" "Quite relaxed right now. That shower was fantastic" "hot?" "Very" "as always. No man in there this time?" "Not a good idea" Devon laughed "him or you?" "Darn hormones" Devon smirked "that's how it started. Now look" Milana chuckled "I don't regret it" "nah I am only stirring you up. He's a good man" "he is" "always treating you right?" "He does as I hope I do him" "we all know you do. Even years ago you two had this... Evenness. You help each other out, stick by each other and I can see it will last forever" "now we need to find you a partner" "I don't know if that will happen" "it might. You never know. I wasn't planning on finding anyone" "oh.. I was curious as to if you left or not" "talking about how annoying you are" "is that right?" "Hes talking shit" Devon grinned "okay maybe I didn't. I'm going to head off but you better rest" "I will be" "good if you need anything and Benji can't do it, just let me know" "thanks Devon" "thanks man" "catch Yas" "bye" "bye".
"Another man in our room huh?" "I thought he might interest you" Benji showed a cheeky grin "nope. He's not you" "oh" Benji lifted the blankets with a cheeky grin. "need help?" "I wasn't going to risk.." Benji connected his lips with milanas in a slow passionate kiss. 'fuck I want to pleasure her' pulling away from the kiss Benji spoke "I better make sure they have all left" "who was left?" "Devon and Brent. Everyone else said they will come see you tomorrow" "alright" Benji got up and walked out. 'all have gone' Benji locked the front door then walked to the back door. 'thats locked too' turning all of the lights, Benji walked back into the bedroom. 'she looks absolutely gorgeous as always' "what do you want to do with the house In the mountains?" "Keep it" "use it for holidays?" "Definitely. Still love it there. Plus we may need a place to escape again" "have you spoke with Malvern and Crain?" "No" Benji nodded as he climbed into bed. "I could see they really wanted to speak with you" "maybe one day" "you have forgiven Markus and Brent" "Brent didn't do anything" Benji grinned.

"She's still stubborn" "we can't fucking cross any lines" "Im not planning too. She hasn't even looked at us" Markus nodded "yeah I am aware. I don't even know if she has forgiven me. She speaks but.." "I want to speak with her" "that's two of us" "have you tried?" "Not yet" "no. At this point I'm just thankful she is alive and well" "and home where she fucking should be. Be honest Devon. Did you know her whereabouts?" "No. I had spoke with her many times but she never mentioned it" "we all know Calvin did" "yep and as expected, he will protect her over everything"

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