Chapter 11

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After I got out of the steaming bathroom, I wrapped a towel around me and headed for my room.

I saw a hair tie that I'm pretty sure doesn't belong to me. Hmm, how did it get in here? 

After I am dressed, I asked Sumi if it was her, and she said it wasn't. Could it be Yoriichi's? 

I knocked on his door,


After a few seconds, the door was open, Yoriichi was wearing the clothes that Sumi's brother gave him. Wow, he looks quite good in it- Wait, since when was his hair this long?

My eyes started scanning up to his hair, and oh my fucking god god god-

He looks so cute with his hair down!

I felt myself gulp seeing him like that. He tilted his head in confusion, as a few strands of hair fell down to his face, making the scene look way hotter than ever.

"U-um, look really good like that..." I said, blushing like crazy.

"Thanks," He said, looking down.

"Oh yeah, is this yours?" I asked, handing him the hair tie.

"Oh yes, thank you for finding it." He said and held it with his mouth as he pulled his messy hair up.

Goshhh his shirt is lifting up with his arms...stop, stop! Stop being such a pervert!

"(Y/n)? Something wrong?" He asked, noticing that I'm looking away. 

"N-no! Not at all! W-well, goodnight!" I said, forcing a natural smile, and ran to my room and softly closed it with my back leaning against it. 

I felt myself breathing heavily.

I slid down to the ground, replaying that whole thing in my mind.

How can I let myself think of him like that?

Trying to get that image of him off my mind, I grabbed a manga off my shelf and crawled onto my bed.

And soon, I fell asleep...

Imagining Yoriichi next to me.

"(Y/n)?" I heard a knock on the door.

I wobbled to the door while rubbing my sleepy eyes, and opened it.


"(Y/n), it's 1 pm...are you alright?" He asked. Wow...WAIT WHAT?

"H-HUH?! 1 PM, GOSH, WE'RE SO LATE-wait, it's Saturday! God, that scared me half to death."

"Me too.'ve been sleeping for a long time. Are you okay?" He asked, rubbing his nape.

"Oh, yeah I'm alright!" Mhm, totally did not imagine him sleeping with me all night.

"Okay," He said, as his expression softened, and went back to his room.

"W-wait, do you want something to eat?" I asked, and he poked his head outside his door.

"Oh, anything is fine for me, as long as it's food." I chuckled at that.

"Alright! Do you want to go to a clothing shop later? I want to get you some clothing." 

"Sure." I happily went inside my room and began picking out an outfit.

(Idk how to call some of the clothing, so I'll just choose an image.)


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