19: The Point of No Return

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𝚁𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚘𝚔𝚞 𝙿𝙾𝚅:

Watching Y/N's tense expression gradually fade into a sorrowful one made me want to break free from the tight grip of these followers and embrace her. She was worried, no doubt about that, but thanks to the antidote I'll be able to disappear in no time. "I can't wait to see what paradise awaits! I will let you know once I've reached it, Atsuko!" As I was shouting, everyone's hands were reaching towards different parts of my body.

It was difficult to breath amongst the followers, but then after some time I was put into a simple yet elegant looking room. I stood there, alone. The only thing to company me was my own thoughts. I began to search the room- only to find trinkets, clothes, and pillows. Nothing was of use to me. I decided that now would be a good time to drink the antidote, but before my lips could touch the class bottle— maids burst through the door.

"ahhh- he's so handsome!!!"
The female maids whispered obscenities to each other while I quickly put away the antidote.
"What's going on?"
The ladies went quiet and approached me with towels and a new white kimono.
"Master Doma orders that you be bathed with holy water before you enter the sacred room. We will assist you to ensure that you are properly cleaned."

I raised my arms and awkwardly smiled, "That won't be necessary! I am fully capable of bathing myself!"
I hesitated before I carefully grabbed the clothes from the woman's hand. Her eyes widened, "But... but no!"
She moved her hands away from mine- taking the clothes with her.
"This is necessary! Without this Master Doma cannot do the ritual!"
The maids slowly began to surround me. I'm not too fond of hurting women, but this isn't right. I sighed, there was no use in fighting this. When I change I'll drink the antidote.

"Fine. Let me change into the robe..... alone."

The maids smiled and bowed. One of the maids left a silk robe before each of them left.

I searched for a hard surface within my pocket.
"Ah- ha!"


I became increasingly aware of my surroundings when I heard a little girl call my name. Why is a little girl here- this is the mens room?
I looked around until I saw Y/N's little sister hiding inside a small crevice in the wall.
"What? S/N! What are you doing here!?"
I ran towards her and helped her out of the tight hole.  Tears were in her eyes, "I thought I was going to achieve happiness Rengoku!"

I wiped her tears and embraced her, "tell me what happened to you!"
Her clothing was transparent and her hair was wet. Did she refuse to be bathed by the maids?

"Men entered my room.... And and...."
More tears spilled from her eyes, "and they wouldn't stop surrounding me! They told me that they were going to help me bathe, and even though I said no they wouldn't stop! I managed to escape, and once I saw you enter this room- I hid here..."

Anger was beginning to flood my veins. Every word she spoke, continued to light the flame burning in my soul.

She needs to leave

I grabbed the antidote, and extended my palm to her.
"S/N, please drink this and find your sister! If you can't find her within 10 minutes.... Run! Run far away from this wretched place and never look back!"

More tears left S/N, "I can't they will see me!"

I opened the bottle and gestured her to drink, "this will make you invisible- we don't have much time hurry!"
S/N drank the antidote, within a few minutes parts of her body were disappearing.
"Rengoku what is happening to me!!"

"Hey hey- it's okay- don't worry it will wear off after a while."
The maids started knocking on the door, I looked at the door and back at S/N.
"Remember what I told you okay? Be strong, I believe in you!"
I gave her a reassuring pat on the head, S/N eyes closed as she sighed.... "okay... I will try."

With those words, she disappeared. I stood up slowly and rubbed my hands against my forehead.
"Rengoku! You need to bathe right now! Why aren't you dressed?"

My fist tightened, "My bad I got distracted."
I moved past the maid and picked up the robe.
"Also, I'm bathing by myself-  regardless of what your idiot master has to say."
The women gasped and huddled around him.
"No! He won't like that Rengoku-  please let us help you!"

I tried to gently push them aside, " Well then he can stop being a coward and face me! Now let me bathe alone or I will leave this hell of a place!"
From this point on, I'm done faking this act. I'm done trying to pretend that everything I've seen in this cult is okay. When I see Doma- I'm going to make him pay for taking advantage of the innocent!

The women all stepped back- and nodded their head in submission. "Okay then, If that's what you wish."

I followed them cautiously- this is going to be a challenge. I need to find a way to get out of here without being seen. I need to find Y/N.

   ➻ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ➻

Oh my~ it's been forever since I last updated this story! So sorry for the wait- thanks for those who decided to stick around! I'm not going to make promises, but I will try and update more often!
Anyways until we meet again loves!! Bye! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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