Chapter 3: Two Demi-Humans at your Service! Another Swordsman?

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[No one's POV]
Y/n, Naofumi and Diana are seen in a diner eating the food paid for by The Masked Hero himself.

Naofumi: So, Y/n.

Y/n: Hm?

Naofumi: How did it feel using the power?

Y/n: was amazing.

Diana: You really are strong, Sir Y/n.

???: Hey, look at what we have here boys.

Naofumi and Y/n looked up, seeing Three riff-raff-looking guys approached him from the alleyway. Their levels appeared as LV? in their HUD.

"Looks like we caught ourselves another customer late at night." The big guy in the middle said.

"I wonder how much money he has for us." The smallest of the three who looked like a rogue said excitedly.

While the guy looked small, he didn't look too creepy for a thief.

Naofumi: I have no interest in fighting you three.

Y/n: And we are in no mood dealing with three idiots. Now, Fuck off.

"And who says we want a fight? Is it wrong to want to talk with a fellow stranger?" The guy on the left asked, pulling out a knife from his belt. The other two also pulled out similar weapons.

"Yeah, with the equipment you're wearing, it might be more than worth it to talk for a little while!" One of the rascals said excitedly. "And then maybe you could spare us humble folk a pretty coin or two along the way!"

"Oh, and how about the girl? Maybe she can be compensation" the thrid thug said.

The three were caught off guard when Naofumi started to humorlessly chuckle.

Naofumi: *raises his shield* Seriously, you really want to waste my time with those puny things.

One of them growled and rushed forward to stab Naofumi. "Let's see you laugh when this is sticking out the other end of your-

Naofumi swung sideways. The shield slammed into the guy's wrist, knocking the knife off-course and making it stab into the ruffian's own shoulder.

"Augh!" The robber screamed in pain as he tried to pull the knife back out.

Naofumi then slammed his shield into the man's face and pushed. The ruffian fell back to the ground, but Naofumi grimaced when the actual damage he did registered as 0. It looked like it had been because of him pushing with his STR stat that the guy actually fell.

Y/n: Weak punk.

"You bastard!!" The third thug yelled, charging at Naofumi with a knife.

Y/n instinctly grabbed the man's wrist

Naofumi: I have good Defense, but no Offense ability. Without it, i can't defeat monsters.

Y/n: Which also means that you won't be able to farm experience points on your own

???: Why, hello there.

The three then turned to see a short tubby man, dressed in the garb that befitted a magician, complete with a top hat, a handle-bar moustache and round spectacles.

The three then turned to see a short tubby man, dressed in the garb that befitted a magician, complete with a top hat, a handle-bar moustache and round spectacles

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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