Chapter two

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Niall's POV

I finally found her! The one that got away! Happiness coursed through my veins and I couldn’t help the smile that took over my face. But what do I do now? Do I try to talk to her and do I just move forward like it was nothing? Ughh I needed to talk to the lads about this. They knew about me missing her and breaking up with her but they don’t know about my apparent son. I retrieved my phone and went straight to messaging the four lads and told them I needed to talk in my room asap. I ran my fingers through my hair again exhaling. Could this really be happening? Did I really just find the girl I let get away from me by simply clicking on a twitter picture? Isn’t this stuff only supposed to happen in movies or horribly written fanfiction? A few seconds later the door unlocked and in walked Liam and Zayn. Stealing a look at me, they could easily tell I was stressed about something as Zayn sat down on the bed facing me and Liam leaned back against the wall. “Are you okay Ni?” Zayn asked, squeezing my knee. I shook my head no. and sighed as Harry and Louis rushed in. “WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU HURT? DID THEY STEAL YOUR LUCKY CHARMS?” Louis said rushed as he shook me with each rapid question. I smacked his hands away laughing at the ridiculous man in front of me. “No I’m fine I just need to tell you guys something I should’ve told you a while ago.” I said sitting up straight. Harry sat down on a corner of the bed and Louis jumped up on the entertainment center. I sighed taking a deep breath. How the hell was I going to start this? “Umm so remember Haley?” I said delicately as the looks of recognition took over their faces. “Well we kind of broke up for a different reason than I led you guys to believe.” I said continuing. “What was it then? Distance? Cheating? School?” Liam reasoned as I shook my head in disagreement, looking down. “Not exactly. The day that we broke up, she told me she was pregnant with my baby. At the time, I was at that point where I didn’t want anything to tie me down. Like a girlfriend was fine to come home to but I didn’t wanna come home to a dog who hadn’t seen me in like 6-7 months, nonetheless a baby.” I said carefully so that they could digest it. I looked up at saw Harry’s mouth hanging open, Zayn covering his and Louis…was quiet. 

“You…you’re a dad?” Liam confirmed as I nodded. “Yes. I feel awful that I lied to you lads but I couldn’t handle it and I know I can talk to you about anything but this just seemed too much.” I said sighing running my fingers through my hair for the billionth time. I put my head in my hands as I took deep breaths. Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around me and pull me into a hug which were followed by two more arms. I sighed finally letting those unshed tears run go. The other four arms wrapped themselves around me. I had zero control over the tears as one of them rubbed my back as we all stayed like that for a while. Finally I got the courage to look up at them wiping away my tears. Zayn smirked rubbing my back. “I know that she kept the baby. She kept him and named him Mason James Horan. After everything I put her through, she gave him the family name. I really fucked it up this time didn’t i?” I said sighing. “Yeah you did Nialler but I’m gonna help dig you out of this hole of yours.” Zayn said rubbing my back still. “What do you mean?” I said looking up at him while all he did was smirk. “Lucky for you, Haley still talks to me on occasion since I saw her last week.” My ears perked up at her name, boy do I have it bad. “You saw her? How is she? Is she okay? Where is she now?” I asked hurriedly. Zayn laughed as the others smirked. “She’s great actually. She told me she’s going to college now for photography major with criminology minor and works full time at the record store down the street. She is still the same girl though. Her hair is still curly as Harry’s but her tips are blue and she has tattoos now and her nose is pierced.” I smirked at his description of her. She hated being in the status quo per say. She wanted to stand out and be different from normal girls. They wear makeup and tight clothes; she’ll go out with her hair under a beanie and her skinny jeans everyday if she could. That’s one thing I love about her; she loved her style and didn’t go along with what society thought was perfection. “So how are you gonna try and win her back man?” Liam asked. Liam knows me better than anyone sometimes and that’s an advantage. “I’m gonna win back my girl at any cost Liam.” I said planning it out in my head. “How dude?” Harry asked raising an eyebrow. “Very delicately.” I said already knowing my plan.

Start It All Over Again: A Niall Horan Love Story (IN EDITTING)Where stories live. Discover now