The breakup

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Jonathan- Airplane to Hawkins

I'm on a plane to Hawkins, I don't know what will happen with Nancy, but most of the time long distance relationships don't work.. and i still haven't told her about the other college that I applied to.  "It will be fine" will assured me. "I'm not so sure..." I said. "What? Why not?" Mike asked.. I couldn't very well lie to the brother of my girlfriend.. 

"I... I think i'm gonna break up with nancy.." I said. "Why?" Mike and will asked at the same time as Suzie asked, "Who's Nancy?". "Nancy's my girlfriend, and... because... We've been drifting apart lately, most of the time long distance doesn't work, and... I .. applied to another college, and she doesn't know.." I replied. "i'm just... I'm starting to feel like maybe... Maybe someone else out there is better for her.. " 

Dustin- Hawkins

"Robin! Over here!" I yelled. She looked like she was looking for someone, probably us. She walked towards us. Then we saw lucas in her arms and Eddie a few feet behind her. "You found him!" I said. "No sh!t." Eddie said. "We need to get somewhere safe. Hoppers cabin!" Max said. So we all headed there. "Wait... Where's Nancy and Steve?" I asked, worried that they didn't make it out.

"They went back to Steves house. Nancy has to clean Steves wounds." Robin said. "Wounds? What happened?" I asked. "Well, first he was attacked by Demo-bats... Nancy killed all of those with a secret gun that nobody knew she had. Then some Vines were about to launch at nancy and Steve jumped  in the way." Robin said, simply. "oh my god, Is he okay?" Max asked. "He should be fine. With Nancy fixing him up.. she would never let him die." 

Nancy-Steves house- Hawkins

Steve should be fine.. a few days of rest...  "Nancy? Nancy, Do you copy?" Dustin asked through the walkie. "This is Nancy, I copy.." I said. "oh, thank god. Nancy... Steve's okay... right?" Dustin said. "Yeah.. Yeah.. he- he should be fine.." I said.. 

Karen Wheeler (Nancy and Mike's mom)

Nancy is staying at... Allies? I think.. God i can never keep track of them these days.. At least I know that Michael is in California visiting El. There was a knock at the door, I looked out the window to see who it was.. I opened the door shocked to find... "Jonathan?" "Mike?" I asked "Will?" I added. "Your supposed to be in California, With El"

"We know mom, Dustin called and said that he needed us here." Mike said. "Do you know were Nancy is?" Jonathan asked. "oh.. um.. I think she was at Allies? I can't remember... She's staying there for a few weeks though. I'm sure she'll be super excited to see you, Jonathan!" I replied, he slightly smiled. 


We drove to Allie's house because we needed to get some intel, and we had absolutely no idea were anyone else is.. We knocked on the door and Allie answered. "oh.. Hey guys.." she said, confusion written all over her face. "hey.. Allie. Um- we were wondering if Nancy's here?" I asked. "oh.. um.. She told me to cover for her.. I'm pretty sure she's staying at Steve's house.." Allie replied. "um- Okay. thanks.."


"I love you so much Nancy Wheeler" I said, breathless. "I love you more Steve Harrington" She replied, then kissing me. There was a knock at the door, "sh!t" Nancy said. "Were you expecting someone?" She asked me. "No. No one ever comes here." I replied, she got up to answer the door.


I opened the door.. "Oh... um- Hey jonathan.." I said, in a kind of high pitched voice.. "Mike, Will.." I addded. "Come on in.."  "Hey Nance" Jonathan said. Mike hugged me, and will said hi.. "I'll uh.. go get steve.." I said. "wait.. Nance?" Jonathan asked. "Can.. can we talk?" I nodded and we walked outside.


 I saw Mike and Will sitting in my living room. "Hey... guys"  I said, very confused. "Were's Nancy?" I asked. "She- uh.. she went on a walk with Jonathan... " Mike replied. "Alone???? Sh!t" I said. What if she gets into another Vecna trance??? "sh!t, Sh!t, Sh!t!!" I yelled. "Woah, woah, whats going on???" Mike asked. "VECNA" I yelled. "Like.. from dungeons and Dragons?" Will asked. "YES. He had been targeting teens in Hawkins, First chrissy, then Fred.. Then Max.. We got max back, but then patrick died, and then Nancy got puled into a trance. She could Die out there.!" I yelled

"Oh my god.." Mike said. "Is there a cure??" Will asked. "Either play a song that has a lot of meaning, I melt with you, or me kissing her." I said. "What?" Mike asked. "Why you, why not jonathan??" Will asked. "Wait.. did something happen between you and Nancy?" Mike asked. "What? no.. Uh- Yes? Whatever.. We need to go." i said, walking out the door.


"So.. Nancy.. I'v been thinking.." Jonathan started."i'v.. been thinking to." I said. "i.. I wanna break up.." Jonathan said.. "I.. I do too.." I replied. Then I heard a clock in the distance, I turned around and suddenly I was in steves room? It was that night years ago.. The night... the night that barb.. "Nancy.." Vecna said. "it's time..." He added. "You escaped me once, and I won't let that happen again.. Your friends, they can't save you now.. Do you remember.. do you remember what you were doing when Barbra died." He said, Trying to get into my head.

"You were with Steve... You could have been saving her... helping her..but no.. you had to send her home.. then.. poof, gone. looks like the demogorgon did a good job.. Letting Will get away, that was it's mistake.." Vecna added. I tried to run, but a vine grabbed my foot and pulled me onto a vine covered pillar. Then Vecna appeared. "You can't escape me, Nancy.." He said, putting his slimy hand over my face. Memories flashed before me, Steve and I kissing in the school bathroom, studying in my room.. Memories with Mike, and Allie.. and Robin..


"Nancy..?" i asked she had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.. "nancy!?" I asked again. her eyes were rolled into the back of her head, What the hell was happening?? Did this have something to do with the upside down?? Steve showed up with will and mike while I was trying to get Nancy to wake up. "Sh!t!" steve yelled running over to Nancy. He put headphones on her and pressed play on the song.


Why wasn't this working!! The music should be working!! "Sh!t, Sh!t, Sh!t!!" I yelled. "Whats happening??" Jonathan asked. "Will, Fill him in" I said, Replaying the song, and shaking nancy's shoulders. "Come on, Nance, come on!" I said. "Just Kiss her!" Mike yelled. "SAVE MY SISTER." I glanced at jonathan, and then back to nancy. I had to save her. no matter the cost, "Okay.."


"no." I grunted against his hand, thinking of Steve, and Mike, and all of the people that I care about, and what this would do to them. I ripped of a large piece of his skin off, and jumped from the pillar. I saw a tear open in the distance, a gate. I started running towards it, If i was going to die, It was gonna be one hell of a fight. Vecna was throwing pillars and clocks at me, A vine slithered to my ankle and almost grabbed it. I tripped over another vine and it started pulling me towards Vecna. I grabbed a nearby shard of a clock and stabbed the vine. 

I got up and bolted towards the gate. I could see myself levitating off of the ground, and everyone around me freaking out. "Nancy.. You really shouldn't have done that." I heard Vecna say. A huge clock came crashing down in front of me, I ran around it and kept running breathlessly towards the gate.. I wasn't gonna make it...  

I remembered Steve,and what he had said a few hours before... I had to get back to Hawkins.. He needed me... I kept running, even though I was breathless. I saw Barb appear in front of me. "Nancy." She said. "Why would you kill me?" She asked and then turned around and disapeared, turning into vecna. "I. Didn't. kill.. her" I said through gritted teeth running back towards the gate again. 

Steve and Nancy~Saving Me~Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now