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Meanwhile....(When taehyung was with taeyong shopping for his toys)

Jungkook looked around his empty living room, that was once filled with loud noise of giggling or fighting over cute stuffs, the only thing which he miss in his emptiness was his hyung, his hyung was missing and death for everyone but for him he was always there, he miss his hyung but tried to remove his beautiful memories from his mind now, to be happy for himself and even his hyung won't fill peace if jungkook was sad because of him, so inside he kept himself always busy with different thing and keep himself happy, he walked to his couch, sitting on it with his banana milk in his hand and straw inside his pouty pink lips, a big picture of 10 yr old jaehyun with 7 years old kookie sitting on his lap, both chubby babies have big smiles plastered on their lips, jungkook looked at the photo frame for good 5 minutes until his eyes started getting teary, he quickly wiped his tears with back of his free hand, he placed the empty banana milk bottle on the glass table, biting his lips shyly, 

"Hyung?" he looked over at the frame, 

"I have a secret" he said, talking to his hyung, that was motionless, in the photo frame, 

"There is a hyung, He visit the cafe daily." he said fiddling with his fingers shyly, 

"He asked me on a date" he said finally blushing crazily at the mention of the date thing, again looking over at jaehyun's photo frame, he smiled sadly, because his hyung wasn't there to address him nor scold him about talking to a random guy this easily, he stood up grabbing his bag, 

"Um-- have to leave hyung, I wanna buy banana milk for me" he said waving at the photo frame, with a big smile, 

jungkook carefully locked the door behind him, he didn't wanna get robbed, 

walking down the streets that were not very crowed and not too empty, some people were going office and some doing random stuffs, he walked toward the dairy, from where he could buy his banana milk, when he saw the usual shop he buys his banana milk he hurry right away, a tempting sight of banana milk made him run toward the store as soon as he can, 

he opened the glass door for himself, and got in, 

when he got a banana milk for himself, he turned around just to find an familiar car, standing out side of the famous and the huge toy store, he narrowed his eyes at the car, because it was same as the hyung he remember and again got shy by just remembering him, he opened the glass door for himself again thinking the possible way to show off himself in front of the older so that he can talk to him outside of the cafe maybe, and he can tell him his answer about the date, 

he stuck his straw in his banana milk, and between his pouty pink lips, as he look at the toy store he saw taehyung coming outside, he was about to wave him when he saw another boy came with him, all clingy to him, hugging his arms just like he did, and taehyung had a small smile on his face, ruffling the youngers hair, jungkook's shoulders dropped, looking at taehyung with someone else just like he treat him, he does the same with the boy too, jungkook made a puke face while he look at the boy and taehyung together, the boy was irritating and jungkook wants to slap him, if glares can kill, taeyong would have died then and there, then he saw a bulky men in black opening the car door for taehyung, the younger one got in before taehyung could, and taehyung just smiled at him, jungkook pout grow even more, jungkook can see both of them sitting on the back seat, while the younger one kept on telling taehyung something, jungkook didn't know but he didn't like the fact, of the older being with someone else.

a sulky jungkook, and a jealous one looked at the car and then inside the car, the two mens, which broke his heart, he was in love with the handsome man, but turned out taehyung was the one faking it, he pouted more, while tear slip his big doe deer eyes, making his way down to his cheeks, before anyone could notice him, he wiped his harshly with back of his hand harshly, and run away furiously, and that was when he thought he wouldn't talk to taehyung ever again, 

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