Hugs (scar and reader fluff)

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     Just fluff- and it's a reader and scar story, The beginning of a new season of hermitcraft and scar inviting you to stay the night at his base, enjoy (I really apologize if this is bad)

     Being on the server with a bunch of talented people is.. intimidating to say the least. You've always watched people play om hermitcraft.but never expected to be on it with said people. And now it's the start of a new season and your stuck in place anxiously standing on your heels.

     Looking around everyone has gotten started and now you look silly so you force yourself to move and started breaking down trees and mining.

     The sky was becoming dark fast and you were in a rush to start your base to stay the night in and as you were slowly building up your walls of your base you hear a familiar hermits voice yell out to you. "Howdy y/n!" It's Mr goodtimeswithscar, and as he walks up to you, you realize just how tall he is compared to you. And you have to look up to look at him.

     "Hi scar!, watcha up too?" You put your resources away and smile up at the elf. "Oh nothing much, I was taking jellie on a stroll before it got too dark and saw you so I figured I'd say hello!" You smiled and looked down near scars legs to see jellie purring and walking around his legs.

     "Well I appreciate that, I was just trying to finish my base so I had a place to put me bed for the night" scar nodded and smiled as he gasped. "Would you like to stay the night at my base?" Scar asked practically bouncing on his heels waiting for your answer.

     "I wouldn't mind, as long as I'm not a bother" scar nods, "not at all! Now follow me!" Scar marches off with jellie and you shortly behind him.

     Soon you guys make it to his starter base, which in reality is like a mini mega base, and he invites you in his base. "So i have my bed if you would like it!" Scar tells me as he picks jellie up and starts petting her. "I couldn't take your bed I can sleep on the couch that's fine!" Scar nodded, "are you sure? Cause it's always up for grabs." You nodded and sat on his couch." I'm sure! I really do appreciate you letting me stay for the night."

     "Of course! Any new friend opportunity is one I'm willing to take!" I smiled and stood up rushing to scars side and capturing him in a hug. He let's out a gasp of surprise but soon wraps his arms around you.

     Being this close to him you can smell an earthy and homey smell radiating off of his soft green robe. He's tall enough where your head is laying right on his chest and his lays right on top of your head and you sigh in content. It's silent for a couple minutes as you too enjoy the hug but soon you guys pull away. "Thank you scar" scar smiled and ruffled your hair giving you a kiss on your forehead before responding. "Of course y/n, have a good night."


I apologize for being inactive for so long, I haven't had any motivation to write and I really wrote this story cause I am so touch starved and I really need a hug- but I've been back in my hermitcraft hyperfixation and that's been fun so now I have scar hugging the reader

Have a goodorning/day/night!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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