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، park jongseong

The bathroom door opened revealing Hyuri,

who was smiling at me.

her smile felt sickening, for the first time.

"let's go, jay."

She muttered as she followed me out of the bedroom,

but I was interrupted by a clank.

I looked back to see the most dreadful scene of my life.

Hyuri was lying down on the carpeted floor, her face and hands

were smeared with blood.

The blood continued to drip from her wrist.

Her eyes were still open as if she was staring at me.


I immediately kneeled down to her side,

placing her in my lap.

as I continued to tap her face,

expecting a response from her.

tears descended my eyes as I observed her.

I took her wrist to feel her pulse,

but I immediately let her hand fall as I felt nothing.

Hyuri was gone.

taking along with her

was my happiness.

My family is


totally over.

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