#9 let's do this

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Brian and Rome were waiting for Veronica to get ready until she came out and had Brian speechless. "Damn she's hot Rome mumbles to himself." "You look hot TeJ says to Veronica." The three of them head to the club as they arrive, Veronica gets out. "Hey, how are you doing good Brian says" "Good what's your name." "Guests of Mr. Verone's." The three of them walk. Veronica takes a different path to go find her sister Monica. "Its hallways in here brah Rome says" "yeah lots of potential Brian says." Rome laughs. "Damn you got a pin Rome says causing Brian to laugh." "It's about to get serious bra, look at the girl over there on the swing Rome says" Veronica comes back with Monica. "Hey you guys did something right Verone never socializes with hired help Monica says to them." "What does that make you Rome says" Monica looked agitated. "Where is he Brian asks" "He's on his way Monica says to them." "You, Verone, and Veronica don't go everywhere together Rome asks with a smirk." "What's that supposed to mean Monica asks him." "I'm just saying Rome says." "Great Monica says" "Ha, I'm gonna go take a dump Rome says" "you go do that Monica says as Rome walks away." "What is his deal Monica asks Brian." "Yeah what Veronica asks Brian?" "he doesn't trust anyone that carries badges Brian says." "You talk like you know Monica says as Veronica walks with Brian and Monica," "yeah I do Brian says." "I was a cop for about two years and, Roman had eight sets of wheels in position." Rome comes out of the bathroom to see Carter. "What's up Brian asks?" "he's here Rome, says." "Where is here Veronica, asks." "Over there Rome says." "Oh Veronica says." "Excuse me, Mr. Verone would like for you to join him" "let's do this Monica says as she and Veronica go back." "It's alright let them in Carter says to the guard" "how are you doing Carter asks Brian" "good you Brian responses." "Good you enjoying your night Carter asks" "yeah Veronica response." "She's beautiful isn't she Carter ask him." Brian looked at Monica who had an evil look on her face. "Yeah she's beautiful Brian responded." "Monica let's go were leaving Carter said to Monica." "But we just got here Monica said as she gets up and walks off." Brian, Rome, and Veronica follow behind Burto and Enrique. Roman is behind Veronica as they get back and take a seat. Veronica didn't like what was gonna happen. She had a bad feeling about this.

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