Chapter 5.

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2 chapters in 1 day i'm on a rollllll! :D haha! so anyways i've been watching the Klaine car makeout over and over again *_* omg. haha well enjoy this chapter and please comment/vote x


I was woken up by the annoying beeping of my alarm clock, I sat up quickly and shut it off. After a few minutes of trying to wake myself up I finally stood up and grabbed my clothes to take a shower. After my shower I put in my usual amount of hairgel then ran back to my room to carry my suitcase downstairs. After getting all my things ready to go I went in the kitchen to grab a quick bowl of cereal. I sat down at the table and started eating my cereal when noticed my dad had walked in to the kitchen. "Hello son" He said. "Hi dad" I replied looking back at my cereal. "I'm sorry for what I said at dinner last night" He said sitting across from me with a cup of coffee and his newspaper. I shrugged "It's ok" I replied standing up and dumping my bowl in the sink. "I just think you're making a stupid choice going to see this boy" He then said. "And why's that?" "I love him and I want to get him back" I said starting to raise my voice. "If you loved him so much you wouldn't of cheated on him in the first place, I just don't want to see you coming back even more heartbroken than you already are" He said sounding simpathetic. "Whatever dad" I said rolling my eyes "I'm leaving no, tell mom I say goodbye" I say before grabbing my suitcase and heading out to my car. I throw my suitcase in the trunk and get into the drivers seat. I sigh loudly and start backing out of the driveway. As i start my descent to the airport I can't help but think about what my dad said. What if Kurt doesn't take me back? What if he doesn't even want to be friends again? I shake my head hoping that that won't be the case.

Before I know it i'm at the airport I park my car, take my suitcase out and head inside. I walk to the terminal where my flight will be taking off and sit in an empty seat. I pull out my ipod and put in my headphones and put it on shuffle. Before I knew it Teenage Dream by Katy Perry is playing, I couldn't help but smile knowing this was mine and Kurt's song. I decide to take out my phone and text Kurt telling him my flight will be leaving in a few minutes. After texting Kurt it's finally time to board the plane to New York. I find a seat near the back next to a nice looking woman. She greets me with a friendly smile as I sit. "I'm Anna" She says with a smile. "I'm Blaine" I say "it's nice to meet you" "You too" she replies. "So why you heading to New York?" She asks. "Um I'm going to see my boyfriend" I say nervously hoping she won't be one of those judgmental people but all I see in her eyes is kindness "that's adorable, i'm sure he'll be so happy to see you!" She replies. I smile "Yeah I hope so too" I say looking down. "Are you alright?" She asks sincerely. "Yeah I'm great, it's just me and my boyfriend haven't been getting along too much for the past few months, he's technically my ex but I don't want to think like that" I say sadly. "Aw sweetie I'm sorry" she replies "you seem like a great guy so I hope everything works out between you two." "Thank you" I reply before pulling out my headphones again. Anna smiles and turns to her book while I dose off for the rest of the plane ride.

(Kurt's POV)

I've been running around my apartment cleaning since I woke up this morning I had to make sure everything looked perfect for when Blaine arrived. "You know I don't think Blaine will really mind if there's a crumb or two on the counter" Rachel said walking into the kitchen from her room. "I-I know but I just want everything to be perfect. "Kurt everything will be fine" She said grabbing my hands "Why are you so nervous? It's just Blaine" she asked. "I know it's just Blaine" I replied sighing. "But it's different now we're not together anymore and I don't know it just feels like i'm meeting him for the first time" I say sitting down in the chair and resting my head on my hands. "Kurt you have nothing to worry about okay? so what if you and Blaine aren't together anymore you can atleast be friends and hang out and have fun" Rachel said sympathetically. "I know" I replied "But what if I get tempted to kiss him? I-I don't think i'll be able to control myself I know I want to kiss him but deep don't I don't because I still don't fully trust him yet" I said looking down at the floor. "Sweetie that's up to you to decide if you're fully ready to forgive Blaine and get back together and go back to the way things are suppose to be then do it, but if you're not ready yet just make sure Blaine know's that okay?" Rachel says. I nod in reply. "Now I have to go meet Brody for coffee so I'll be back in an hour and I'm sure Blaine will be here by then so have fun" Rachel says kissing my cheek before grabbing her jacket and heading out the door. I slump down even farther in my chair and sigh, I hope everything will go according to plan.

(Blaine's POV)

I woke up the the sound of the plane's landing gear getting ready. I took out my headphones and stuffed my ipod in my pocket. A few minutes later the plane landed and I turned around to Anna "It was great meeting you" I said smiling. "You too" She replied pulling me in to a friendly hug "Good luck with your man!" She said. "Thanks I need all the luck I can get!" I replied smiling before heading out of the plane and towards the main entrance of the airport. I quickly grabbed my suitcase from baggage check and walked to the nearest taxi telling the driver the adress to take me to. I sat in the back and took out my cellphone to send Kurt a quick message that I would be there soon.

Blaine: In the taxi heading to your place now, can't wait to see you :)

I typed before hitting send and shoving my phone back in my jacket pocket.

After looking around at the beautiful sights of New York going by me and getting stuck in some traffic I was finally at Kurt's apartment. After paying the taxi driver and taking my suitcase from the back I headed to the front entrance of the apartment. I opened the door and walked over to the elevator taking it to the 3rd floor where Kurt's apartment is. After standing outside of the apartment for a few seconds too nervous to knock I finally gave in and knocked a few times. The anticipation of seeing Kurt was killing me the few seconds of waiting seemed like hours before he finally opened the door "Kurt" I said smiling, he was looking as beautiful as ever. "Hi Blaine" He replied "I'm so happy to see you again."


i can't believe i got done 2 chapters in one day i'm proud of myself xD lol please comment and vote i'll try my best to update much for often from now on! xo

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