Chapter 6.

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Hi everyone! i'm so happy to be getting such a good amount of comments + votes on my last few chapters it really means so much to me! so please keep it up! :) lol i hope everyone enjoy's this chapter <3 


"Well come on in" Kurt said while opening the door wider and scooting out of the way. I had been here only once before and that was when Kurt and I broke up, I couldn't help but get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach because that memory. "Sooo would you like a drink or something?" Kurt asked nervously biting his lip. "Um yeah I guess i'll have a glass of water" I replied smiling, I was trying not to act nervous even though I was dying inside. All I wanted was for things with Kurt and I to go back to normal but I didn't know if it would happen this trip. I placed my suitcase on the side of the couch and sat down. "Here's your water" Kurt said placing it on the table in front of me. "Thanks" I replied taking a sip and setting it back down quickly. "How was your flight?" Kurt asked crossing his legs. "It was good" I replied looking down. "Th-that's great" Kurt said. Awkward silence started to fill the air until Rachel came in "Oh my gosh Blaine you're here!" Rachel said bouncing happily to where I was sitting. "Hi Rachel" I said smiling. "Well stand up and give me a huge silly!" She said opening her arms. I laughed slightly and stood up and gave her a friendly hug, I couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable Kurt looked. "I'm so glad to see you again! I've missed you and I know Kurt has too!" She said cheerily. Kurt started to look even more uncomfortable. I just nodded in response "So I made reservations for us and Brody at the little italian restaurant down the block" She continued on "does that sound good guys?" "Yeah Rachel that sounds fun" I said smiling and slightly eyeing Kurt who was still silent. "Okay well I just came to get something then I'm going back out with Brody, bye you two meet me at the restaurant at 5:30" Rachel said quickly before kissing both mine and Kurt's cheeks and heading back out the door. "Well she hasn't changed much, except for she's not wearing a reindeer sweater" I said sitting down again. "Yeah she's still same diva Rachel Berry." Kurt exclaimed before looking down. "Are um you okay Kurt?" I said confused. "Are we just going to sit here and pretend everything's okay?" Kurt exclaimed quickly with a tone of anger in his voice. "Um no..." I said nervously and kind of taken a back by what Kurt had just said. "I told you I was sorry a million times Kurt and I mean it and I promise i'll never do anything like that again please just forgive me?" I said looking into his eyes. "I know Blaine" Kurt sighed. "And I told you already I forgive you but I'm just not ready to trust you yet. It's just seeing you here in person kind of messes with my emotions." "Then why did you ask me to come if you really don't want to see me?" I replied sounding annoyed. "Blaine you know I want to see you! It's just seeing you now's just different than it was before ok." Kurt exclaimed standing up. "Ok.." I said also standing up. "Um i'm gonna walk around the city for a while I'll see you later" I said looking down and walking towards the door. "Blaine please!" Kurt said desperately. However I didn't listen I just kept walking until I was finally out in the open air of New York City.  

I've only been to the city a few times so I didn't quite know where I was going. I decided to get a subway pass and take the subway to Bryant Park, there I knew of a coffee shop because Kurt and I went there when I came here before we broke up. I boarded the subway and took it to my destination. When I got into the coffee shop I ordered my usual order from any coffee place which was a medium drip and sat down. I drank my coffee silently before looking at my phone. "10 New Messages" my phone blinked. I sighed and looked at them. 6 were from Kurt, 1 was from Rachel, 1 from Sebastian, and one from Tina and Sam. I decided to look at the ones Kurt sent me which were along the lines of "where are you?!" "I'm coming to find you!" and "Blaine Anderson I swear tell me where you are!" After thinking I decided I should be nice and send him a reply.

Blaine: Coffee Shop by Bryant Park.

I typed. After sending the message I decided to call Sam since he said if anything was wrong I could talk to him. "Hey bro how's New York!?" Sam answered "Not to great" I replied leaning my arm more on the coffee table. "Shit dude why?" he asked. "Kurt doesn't trust me and he made it seem like he didn't even want me to come here at all which I don't get becase he invited me...I just-I don't know Sam maybe I should just go home obviously it's too painful for Kurt to see me after what I did to him." I replied starting to choke up. "Dude that sucks" Sam said "but you gotta put yourself in Kurt's shoes I mean how would you feel if your boyfriend of almost 2 years cheated on you?" "I-I know and I understand that, I understand why he doesn't trust me but I just hate hearing it because I love him so much and I hate myself for hurting him and I would honestly do anything to get him back Sam" I said wiping a few stray tears off my cheek. "Look dude you're my bestfriend and I hate seeing you like this, and even though you guys broke up a few months ago I can tell you're still hurting alot but in my opinion I think you and Kurt need to work it out yourselves, have a mature heart to heart and see where that takes you" Sam said sympathetically. "Alright thanks Sam you really are a great friend" I said smiling slightly. "Anything for you, alright well I gotta go call me if you need anything else? Bye Blaine" Sam said. "Bye Sam" I replied hanging up. After shoving my phone in my pocket I looked up to the sight of Kurt walking towards me. "Can I sit?" He asked. I nodded. Kurt sat down and sighed "So who were you talking to on the phone?" He asked. "Just Sam" I shrugged. "Are you two close now?" he asked. "Yeah he's basically my bestfriend..." I said looking up at Kurt who I could tell by his facial expression seemed kind of hurt because that comment. "Ohhh...well um listen Blaine we REALLY do need to talk and sort every thing out between us" Kurt said nervously biting his lip. "I know Kurt" I sighed. "Like I told you before I need time to regain my trust in you Blaine" Kurt explained "so I was hoping for now we could just go back to being bestfriends...I mean if that's okay with you" I looked into Kurt's eyes sympathetically "I-I guess that's fine I really do understand why you need to regain my trust like I told you I'm-" I said before Kurt stuck up his hand signaling for me to stop talking "Blaine I get it your sorry" He said smirking "Now please can we stop being so depressed and just start this trip as of right now as happy bestfriends?" "Yeah I think that would be a good idea" I replied smiling genuinly at Kurt for the first time since I had gotten to New York. "Alright well Rachel and Brody are expecting us for dinner soon should we start heading that way?" Kurt suggested. "Sounds good to me" I said standing up and dumping my empty coffee cup in the trash, I then followed Kurt out of the coffee shop and towards the restaurant 

Dinner wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I mostly ended up talking to Rachel about how the New Directions were doing. "So Blaine graduations coming up soon what are you doing about college?" Rachel asked while taking a sip of her drink. "Umm well I was thinking about auditioning for NYADA..I mean if that's ok with Kurt? I don't want to make him uncomfortable by coming here" I said directing my gaze towards Kurt. "I think that sounds like a good idea" He said smiling genuinely. I smiled back happy knowing that Kurt approved of my plans.  

"Well that was fun" I said walking into the apartment with Kurt. "Yeah I had a good time" Kurt replied smiling. "Brody seems nice" I said while taking my jacket off. "He's ok, I don't think he's right for Rachel I only think Finn is" Kurt said shrugging his shoulders. "Wanna watch a movie or something? Kurt suggested. "Uh yeah sure that sounds great" I replied. "Ok well let me just get my pajamas on and you can change too and pick a movie alright?" Kurt said smiling. I nodded watching him walk back to his room. I couldn't help but admire him, I was obviously still in love with him and always would be and was hoping this trip would help us mend our broken relationship.  

I quickly grabbed my pj's and headed towards the bathroom to change. After I emerged I noticed Kurt still wasn't in the living room so I decided to take a look at the movies. As I was skimming through the movies and picking up some interesting titles Kurt came out of his room looking adorable in a simple t shirt and pajama bottoms. "Find anything good?" He asked. "Um a few" I said turning around and placing the few movies I picked on the table. "I say we watch either Moulin Rouge or Mamma Mia" I suggested. "Mamma Mia" Kurt said quickly. I nodded agreeing with him and he took the dvd and placed in in the dvd player. I was honestly hoping he would pick Moulin Rouge since Come What May was basically our song to eachother, but i'm thinking that's the reason he didn't want to watch it. "Blaine...Blaine??" Kurt said snapping me out of my thoughts "Oh sorry what?" I said. "Do you want popcorn?" Kurt said. "Yeah that would be great" I replied smiling. As Kurt went to go make the popcorn I sat on the couch making myself comfortable. A few minutes later Kurt came over with a bowl of popcorn and put it in between us. I wanted more than anything to hold him in my arms during the movie but that didn't seem like a possibility right now.  

Every few minutes during the movie I glanced over at Kurt who each time would be mouthing the words of the songs to himself. I laughed slightly and Kurt noticed and turned to me and smiled. Towards the end of the movie we both were getting tired, Kurt actually ended up cuddling into my side. When the movie ended I felt like I could fall asleep at any moment, when I glanced down at Kurt he had his head in my lap and was fast asleep. I smiled and decided to just sleep on the couch because I didn't want to wake Kurt, he always looked so peaceful and adorable when he slept. I closed my eyes and dosed off thinking of Kurt. 


i am SO sorry for taking so long to update :/ college is so busy right now and i also just got a job. ok so please comment and vote it would mean alot <3

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