Chapter 2.

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Hi :D here's chapter 2! so at the beginning of the chapters i won't be writing who's POV it is in since this story is mostly all in Blaine's, i only will unless i make it someone elses :) Ok enjoy & please comment + vote!~


I hopped off the bus and walked into Dalton academy. It was strange walking these halls after leaving to go to McKinley, but it always had a welcoming feel to it. I turned down the long hallway and walked into the choir room where the Warblers were practicing. I stood in the door frame and bobbed my head along to the music, they were sounding really great . Sebastian noticed me and smiled. I was alright with Sebastian, we weren't friends but I didn't hate him, I mean he practically blinded me but I guess everyone deserves to be forgiven. After they finished their number I clapped and walked towards them. "So Blaine have you come to join the Warblers again?" Sebastian asked, I could tell that was what he wanted. "No not exactly, I just came back to see how you guys were doing" I said smiling. "Well were doing great, would be better though if you could come back and lead us to sectionals victory" Sebastian said with a sly look on his face. "I-I can't" I said looking down at the carpet. "And why not? last thing I heard was you and Kurt broke up and he's in New York so there really is no reason for you to be at McKinley is there?" Sebastian said while scooting closer to me. I glared slightly at him. He did have a point, I had nothing anymore, without Kurt I WAS nothing. "Let me think about it" I said before turning around and exiting the Dalton choir room.

I was truly thinking about going back to Dalton, everyone there was like my family and who knows maybe they could cure me from this depression. I opened my front door and walked up to my bedroom, I decided I wouln't go back to school to finish my last period, I just wasn't in the mood. I threw my bag on the floor and hopped onto my bed laying down and sighing. I then grabbed my laptop from my cluttered desk and opened Skype. I went to my contacts list and clicked on Kurt hoping he would answer my call. After a few seconds I was about to give up until Rachel's cheery face popped up on the screen; "Hi Blaine!" She said. "Oh uh hi Rachel" I said smiling. "What are you doing on Kurts computer?" I asked. "Oh mine broke and I was just using his for school work and then I saw your Skype call and I decided to answer it since we haven't talked in so long, how've you been?!" Rachel said. I nodded in reply "I've been alright I guess" I said while rubbing my neck unsure of my answer. Rachel's face dropped. "Well is Kurt there?" I said with some hope. "No Blaine he's not right now i'm sorry" Rachel said sympathetically. "Oh..." I replied. "Well please Rachel convince him to call me back? I miss him more than anything and really just need to talk to him" I said. "I will" Rachel said quietly with a small smile. I smiled back. "Alright well bye Rachel it was nice talking to you" I said. "Bye Blaine" She replied before I closed my laptop. I sighed again, why did my life have to be this difficult?


Please comment and vote it would mean so much <3 thankyou :) i'll update again as soon as I can.

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