"pretty boy"

130 0 1

[lowercase intended]

[I recommend rereading the "chapter/prolouge" if it was out before this one. I edited it.]

slight nsfw


"I had a lot of fun Ushiwaka." the brunette spoke softly.

"I'm glad you did, love." the latter responded, sitting on his bed.

tooru went to visit his boyfriend in his dorm, due to his roommate going out with his bestfriend for a bit. Sugawara was expected to be back soon.

the couple had went on a fair date, after leaving the had a picnic on a hill earlier in the day.

ushijima had always put a lot of thought and effort into the dates they went on, and oikawa loved him for that. he just wanted to repeat it later so he knew how much he enjoyed it.

oikawa crawled on top of the taller male, legs on either side of his hips. He straddled him and Wakatoshi wrapped his arms around his lower back. Chuckles and giggles could be heard from the both.

soft kisses were shared against eachother's lips.

the light pecks and kisses slowly turned into deeper ones. quiet moans traveled through the mouths of one another.

slow grinding began, the taller's member rubbing against his boyfriend's soft skin that exposed from his shirt lifting a bit.

large, strong hands groped the brunette's ass.

"toshi.." oikawa dragged out.

a soft vibration could be heard, from the moans tooru produced near his boyfriend's ear he didn't hear the phone notification luckily.

he reached over to it, not trying to make it too obvious. when the screen turned on, the light illuminated his face.

a very familiar name popped up with a message under.

wanna come over?

be there in 3 ❤

he quickly typed out.

oikawa knew what that meant, and he was all for it.

"uhm, wakatoshi.. it's actually getting kind of late. i think i'm gonna head back to my dorm." he spoke trying not to make the excitement behind his voice obvious.

"sure, but you don't wanna stay the night? i don't mind at all." a confused look spread across his face.

"it's fine, i'll see you tomorrow. yeah?"

"mhm." he nodded.

tooru leaned down and gave him another kiss before sitting up and hopping off of him. grabbing his phone and other belongings.

"love you," ushijima said sitting up after his boyfriend walked to the door.

"..love you too." oikawa said hesitantly, and waved goodbye.

oikawa left from his boyfriend's dorm to go somewhere he knew he shouldn't be going.

it was around 10:00 pm and the sky was pitch black, light specks could be seen spread across the sky.

he arrived to the vending machine,  deciding to get snacks for the the two. with it being chilly his short shorts and loose t-shirt made him want to get back to his dorm faster.

he purchased 2 marble sodas, a candy bar, and two bags of the snack mix the "bestfriends" loved so much.

he walked down the hallway to where the elevator was, the brunette lightly tapped the button so he could make his way up.

a voice inside his head was telling him he shouldn't go, he knew it was right though.

"you have a boyfriend, close your legs you whore."

shaking his head to erase the thought, staring to bounce his leg impatiently.

he took out his phone and opened him and iwaizumi's private messages.

actually, come to my dorm. Sugawara isn't here? I think a vacant room would be better, yeah? ;)

yeah, no problem. can't wait to see you. xx


The elevator opened and oikawa turned off and shoved his phone into his pocket. sighing before walking in and tapping the button that'll lead him to the 3rd floor.

iwaizumi only lived 2 doors down from home. So he had to pass his boyfriend's room again, guilt building up.

tooru took out his key and opened his door to his dorm. knowing his friend would be there soon enough.

he walked through the doorway and sat the recently bought snacks and phone on his nightstand.

he sat the rest of his belongings on the
floor beside the bed.

*knock knock knock*

oikawa bit his lip and walked towards the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.

"hey iwa." oikawa smiled.

"Hey pretty boy."

Iwaizumi smirked and grabbed Oikawa's hips, making his way into the dorm. His closed the door behind him, rosy lips already connected to eachother.

there it goes again.

"god tooru, what have you gotten yourself into?"

yall already know what's happening next chapter.

glock glock 5000

but fr I hope you guys are enjoying the first 2 chapters.


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