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[lowercase intended]


"hey iwa."

"hey pretty boy"

iwaizumi grabbed oikawa's hips, pushing him inside then reconnecting their lips as he shut the door, then pinning him against it.

"mmm~" tooru moaned softly into the kiss.

the brunette wrapped his arms around the latter's neck, softly gripping his hair.

while keeping their lips connected, they slowly made their way to oikawa's bed.

tooru lightly felt for the bed with the tip of his finger before laying down with Iwaizumi on top of him. their hands roamed eachother's bodies, it was hot and steamy.

oikawa broke from the kiss to speak.

"hey, baby..I'm gonna hop in the shower. is that okay?"

the older man lifted his body up and nodded, "yeah, of course, go ahead. don't keep me waiting for too long." he replied, smirking.

smiling, he got up and winked at him. "i won't iwa-chan."


hot water fell onto oikawa's body.

he heaved a heavy sigh, he knew this was wrong. this was so wrong. but it was so good.

He knew cheating was wrong but there was just no turning back.

he liked the way ushijima's hands rested on his hips.
but he loved how soft iwaizumi's lips are.
he liked when ushijima would whisper sweet nothings in his ear in bed.
but he loved when him and iwaizumi would have deep conversations after sex.

it's always been him..but who is him?

oikawa turned the water off, shaking his head and taking a deep breath to get rid of his thoughts.

he stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his lower body. he dried his now damp hair, while looking into the mirror.

having all of those thoughts didn't stop him from being horny, whatsoever. An idea came to mind.

"iwa!" oikawa yelled from the bathroom.

"yeah? what's wrong?" he replied walking to the bathroom door.

"can you..help me for a second?"

iwaizumi opened the door, to the sight out oikawa half naked leaning against the sink with lotion in his hand.

"can you rub lotion onto my back? you know..where i can't reach." oikawa said innocently, knowing full well what he was doing.

a slight smirk appeared on the older's face, as he nodded. they made eye contact through the mirror as he made his way over to oikawa, grabbing the lotion as the latter turned around.

iwaizumi opened the lid, pouring and rubbing the lotion into his hands. he started on his upper body, shoulders and lower neck.

iwaizumi quit volleyball after highschool and moved to basketball, he still practices volleyball in his meantime and workouts very often. he did become more muscular, hell, he's a few centimeters taller than tooru now. oikawa was more lean than muscular due to him not really having time for volleyball or working out anymore. sex was working out in his opinion.

iwaizumi slowly made his way down oikawa's pale skin, inching to his butt. oikawa smirked.

the older boy rubbed the lotion in circles, spreading the substance all over.

oikawa moved his hand to his towel briskly, untying it. the towel fell to the floor, revealing his bare ass.

"oops." tooru said innocently. oikawa bent over right in front iwaizumi's crotch, he grinded against iwaizumi as he 'grabbed the towel'.

hajime grabbed the younger's hips and tooru stood up placing the towel on the sink. the two grinded against eachother slowly. "mm.." a low moan escaped their lips. a bulge formed into iwaizumi's shorts, "fuck..you know what you do to me." he said whispering into oikawa ear. hajime pulled down his pants, continuing to rub on the latter. his clothed tip poked tooru's entrance, making him moan loudly.

oikawa turned around, facing iwaizumi, pulling his into a deep kiss. tooru slid his long hand into the tanner man's boxers, a low moan .his hand slid up and down, dick hardening even more if that's possible.

hajime grabbed the other's hips and propped him onto the countertop, lips still connected.

they finally parted and iwaizumi reached for the conveniently placed lube bottle in the mirror cabinet. He spread some on his fingers, teasingly poking his hole.

"mm. don't tease me," he moaned softly

he pushed his finger inside the warm enclosed space. realizing he was loose, a little too loose.

"did you already finger yourself baby boy?" he grunted in his ear.

oikawa raised his eyebrow, "maybe.." he replied breathy.

iwaizumi then inserted another digit into the younger, quickly starting to thrust them at an even pace.

"fuck! haji!" a high-pitched moan fell out of tooru's mouth. After only about 2 minutes he felt his his climax near with excitement.

hajime noticed and abruptly stopped his fingers. a whine from oikawa wasn't missed as he yearned for the warm feeling again.

"shh" the latter whispered in his ear.

"this is gonna be a long night.." toru whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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