The Nerd

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It was a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon, and the Watterson brothers were planning to celebrate the hot weather with some ice creams.

"So, you ready to go?" Darwin asked waiting at the front door.

"Hang on, let me get my wallet. I left it upstairs, gimme a sec." Gumball said heading up the stairs.

"Ask Anais if she wants to come too!" Darwin called up.

"Will do!"

As Gumball neared his room he heard something odd coming from their room.

"Huh? What is that?"He thought to himself confused.

As he got closer he realised the sound was sobs mixed with the odd cry and sniffle.

His ears flattened against his head and his smile turned into a frown as he realised who it was.

"Anais?" He asked softly, knocking on the door.

"G-go away!"A muffled response came between sobs.

Gumball went to open the door but hesitated not wanting to upset her further but realised he couldn't leave her like this, and that he still had to go in to get his wallet anyway.

He slowly opened the door and walked in looking towards the bed and what he saw broke his heart.

Anais was curled up in the fetal position on the bottom bunk hugging Daisy and sobbing into his pillow her eyes red and wet from doing so.

"Hey, hey, Ani, what's wrong?"He asked going and sitting down next to her.

"Nothing..." She replied sniffling.

"Aww come on, we both know that's not gonna work."

She didn't say anything, hoping he would just go away.

"You know you can tell me anything, right? I'd never judge you o-o-r mock you or anything like that. Whatever it is that's upsetting you, you can tell me."

He smiled reassuringly placing a hand on her shoulder.

She turned to look at him, thinking about what to say.

"Just...just leave me alone, please."

"Anais, please. I hate to see you this upset and I'm not just gonna leave you here crying."

She looked to the floor and then back to him.

She sighed defeated."Al...alright...I'll tell you."

She slowly sat up and Gumball placed his arm around her slowly rubbing her arm to comfort her."Take as long as you need..."

"I'm...I-I-I'm getting picked on at school... pretty...pretty badly." She said holding back tears

Gumball gasped."What!? Why didn't you tell anyone!?"

Tears started streaming down her face. "Because...because...b-b-because I was scared that i-i-if I did they'd start bullying me even more or-or-or worse they'd start bullying y-you o-o-or Darwin."

She burst out crying again.

"Oh no, no, you didn't need to worry about us. You should have told someone..." He said pulling her in for a hug.

"I know, I know, I was just...I was so scared..."

She looked up whimpering."I-I-I was s-so s-s-s-scared!"She said quietly.

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