The Baby

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All drawings/sketches shown by Rosza Thanks for the inspiration!

4 Years Ago

Gumball was sat in the living room playing video games by himself as his mother looked after Anais.

His father and Darwin had gone out on a fishing trip together, as Darwin had recently been thinking a lot about what little he could remember of his life pre-Wattersons, feeling a little homesick. Nicole had realized this and suggested he and his father went for a day out together out in the ocean, fishing, swimming, and sailing around so he could bond with his father a little and relax in his original home atmosphere.

They'd offered for Gumball and Nicole to come with them, but Nicole had to stay behind to look after Anais, and Gumball felt it would be boring, plus being cats meant the two hated getting wet so a day out in the ocean really didn't seem appealing to them, thus Richard and Darwin had set off for the day, leaving Gumball and his mother alone with Anais, who was currently only a few months old.

As he continued to play his game Nicole entered the living room tiredly, arms slumped, fur messy, and bags under her eyes, struggling to stay awake. She made her way over to the sofa, which she promptly slumped down onto.

 She made her way over to the sofa, which she promptly slumped down onto

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He noticed and turned to look at her with a chuckle. "Anais wearing you out, huh?"

She managed a weak smile before she sighed. "Yeah...she may be a smart baby but she's still a baby nevertheless, which means she can be quite a handful. Not as much as you were mind you..." She raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled.

He smiled and looked down. "Yeah, I was a pretty energetic kid, wasn't I?"

"That's an understatement if I've ever heard one! You were an absolute nightmare! and you still are! I mean, sometimes I think you're more feral animal than person..."

He looked down and rubbed his arm sheepishly, feeling guilty. Her expression softened, a smile appearing on her face. "Awww, I'm only teasing you...come here!" She held out her arms and beckoned for him. He smiled and turned off his game, before getting up and climbing onto the sofa and into her arms, which she wrapped around him.

"Even if you are a bit of a handful sometimes, I still love you more than anything in the world. You know that. right?" She asked.

He nodded before a cheeky grin formed on his face. "and even if you are an annoying, nagging, wrinkly old woman, I love you too." He snickered.

She let out an insulted gasp and playfully nudged him with a small laugh before yawning, her eyelids drooping as she struggled to stay awake.

Gumball's ears lowered, as he looked at her with pity, feeling guilty at seeing his mother so exhausted and worn out. He thought for a moment before looking up at her with a smile. "Hey, you know what? How about I look after Anais for a while whilst you get some rest?"

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