Chapter 33

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"Theo!" I cheered as I rushed into the common room. He turned around quickly on the leather couch before he jumped over the back of it and met me halfway.

"Hi, baby." He chuckled, planting his lips on mine quickly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into his kisses while he held me off of the floor slightly. "Do you feel better today? You were gone last night," he chuckled, placing me on my feet and keeping his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I took medicine this morning, I feel perfectly fine now." I smiled widely at him, excited to finally be reunited with one another.

"Good. You can come join us then, we're just hanging out after we had dinner." He said softly, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the couch with a few other boys.

He sat with Adrian and Blaise, who both greeted me with amused grins. Draco sat just a few feet away in a lounge chair, talking with Gregory. Their demeanor was a lot different than the other boys, and I could only imagine what they were discussing.

I don't even want to know.

Theo plopped himself down on the couch before he pulled me into his lap, cradling me in his arms. I felt my cheeks blush bright red as I looked at him, but he only pecked my nose in response.

"What was your morning like?" He asked casually, brushing a few hairs away from my face as his eyes scanned my expression.

"Well, for starters I woke up in Draco's bed all alone and all I had was a note from him telling me he had clothes and medicine laid out for me in his bathroom." I chuckled, making Theo's face shift into one of discomfort.

"I don't think I should've left you there. What moron leaves their girlfriend passed out in her ex boyfriend's bed?" He said quietly, shaking his head. "I didn't even think of that until I got back here." He sighed, obviously upset with himself. I started laughing lowly at him making his face turn to a smile unwillingly.

"I haven't even seen him since we cut the cake last night." I giggled, making him let out a small sigh of relief as his eyes shut.

"I don't mean to sound like that guy, you were just so out of it when I left." He said in an honest voice, his smile carrying over into his words.

"I don't even remember you leaving. It's all a big blur." I sighed, laying my head on his shoulder and playing with the buttons on his shirt with my fingers.

"Emmy, when I saw you last night, it was hysterical." Blaise butted in, giving his own two cents. "You were a mess. I'm surprised you weren't throwing everything up. I have seen you drink so many times, and never in my life have I seen you so drunk." Blaise teased me, making Adrian laugh with him.

"I caught a glimpse, too. I thought the night you were snogging me on the dance floor was bad, but last night was a whole new leve— ow!" He hissed, grabbing his knee that Theo just leaned over and kicked.

"Can we not talk about the time you made out with my girlfriend, mate?" He asked seriously, making me giggle. Adrian threw his hands up defensively.

"It's not like I said anything near the things Malfoy used to say!" He hissed, lifting his dress pants to scope out the damage.

"What has Draco said?" I questioned, but all of the boys acted like they had no idea what I was talking about.

"He just told all of you did stuff when you dated, but it was nothing bad. That's literally all he said. 'We did stuff.' Even when he despised you he was too protective to give any juicy details. The other boys were practically begging to hear how you were in bed." Blaise chuckled, twirling his wand between his fingers. I crinkled my nose at his statement, making Theodore chuckle at my reaction.

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