Chapter 22

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*Mature Content Warning*

"This has to be a sick joke?" I spat, staring up at the framed piece of parchment that Filch hammered into the wall. Theo let out a dry laugh as he glanced at me.

"Awe, don't worry, darling," he teased as he draped his arm over my shoulder, "I can take up your spare time now that you can't play Quidditch." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes once at my friend while a smile formed on my lips.

"You're twisted, y'know that?" I raised my brows as the question came out, shrugging his arm off of my shoulder. "Draco will quite literally kill you if he sees you do that again by the way." I giggled. He clicked his tongue once as a smirk crossed his lips.

"Please, Malfoy would never hurt me. We're buds." He laughed. I raised my brows and widened my eyes before he admitted the truth. "Okay, so he might beat me a little if he saw me touching you, but I could defend myself." He assured me as we walked through the halls. We carried on random conversations while we walked with one another to the dungeons.

Theo opened the common room entrance for us before we were met with quite literally a zoo. Many students complained loudly about the new Decree that banned clubs and organizations from meeting. Draco already had his fit of rage last week when Umbridge caught us kissing on a bench in the hallway and she used her wand to pry us apart.

"QUIDDITCH MEETING. MY DORM. 5 MINUTES." Graham Montague shouted loudly over the roaring students before he jumped down off of the table he stood on. I looked at Theo with an amused grin before I rolled my eyes lightly.

"Have fun, super star." He teased, shoving me towards the boy's hall. I stalked towards Montague's room while I waited for him come and open the door.

"Look, it's rumored the kid is creating some secret group to try and teach defensive magic, and Umbridge is skeptical." I heard Draco's voice trying to explain the situation while footsteps came down the hall.

"Who's doing what?" I asked, trying to weasel my way into the conversation. Draco's usual smirk crossed his lips as he saw me, before he grabbed my waist.

"Hellooo, gorgeous." He beamed, planting his lips against mine hungrily. The other boys snickered and scoffed behind Draco, making my cheeks flush a bright shade of red out of embarrassment. "I know another boy's dorm you can go to if you'd prefer it," he teased, dragging his lips to my ear.

"INSIDE! NOW!" Montague shouted at all of us, slamming his door open. Draco let out a groan before he brushed his lips against my ear.

"After." He whispered, shooting shivers across my neck as I heard his husky voice speak to me. It was dropping a few octaves recently, and I couldn't complain. Not. One. Bit.

"Alright, I'm already in the process of having a meeting with Professor Umbridge and discussing why we should be allowed to reform and practice, now-"

I could hardly pay any attention as Draco slouched himself down on one of the beds in the room and pulled me between his legs to stand. His head rested against one of my hips while his eyes remained in Montague. Draco wrapped his arms around my thighs from behind and was content.

"I feel like I haven't touched you in so long." Draco hummed, trailing his lips across my jaw and finding his way to my neck. My warm fingers trailed up his spine, making their way to the back of his hair like they always seemed to do.

"I know." I whispered, closing my eyes softly and allowing him to consume me completely. His scent that filled the air around us was enough to drive me mad, and it made me crave so much more from him.

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