Chapter 13: Well, That's Awkward...

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Hey guys! Haven't updated in a while ;P Please forgive meh. The weekend is like my only days to have a pretty big break, so yeah. Hey, during the Summer, I might update more or less. I hope more :T I might be doing lots of fun stuff cuz I wont have school..... Also, how old do you think I am? :D Ashy, you can't guess. >;3 Sarah, Julia and Haylee can't either. It's all up to you viewers :D

The group kept traveling. (Of course. :I "Tell us something we don't know, please?" I hear you ask. "NU" I reply.) "Gaahhh.... This is taking forever. Why does it have to be so far away from your home?" Kyle did know that not one wolf could ever run through these hills and valleys in just one day. Not one.

"Hey, at least you're not traveling alone," Blue called back to him, slightly (Just slightly) annoyed. "You were about to travel alone this entire way if we didn't come at the right moment." He looked at her and nodded a little, still feeling uncomfortable about how she was right. She was always right.

Well there they were. Just pacing along the ground. Leon wanted to burst. He wanted to be there. Right now. Right this second just look over and he's there. As he came up to bigger hills he rushed over them, hoping the Golden Hills would just be there. But no. Never were they ever the Golden Hills, it was still miles away.

Blue started to think about something. She had an idea. "Well... since we wont reach the Golden Hills anytime soon, don't we have enough wolves to split up among ourselves and travel from here?" She asked. Leon thought about it too.

"But there's only five of us. If I wanted to be with anyone for my part, one of you would have to go alone......" He mentioned. They thought about it for a little as they were resting.

"Then that's the way it will be." Leon finally said. "I can go alone, you can travel with the ones you would like to.... I can handle myself."

"But Leon, I don't want you to be all alon-"

"I'm going." He interrupted. "I'll be fine. It wont be too hard to reach a place with quite a few wolves." He said. He was a little sad he wouldn't be with any other wolves for company, but he thought that's the way it would be.

"Why can't you just come with one of our groups for a while?" Rain asked. "You're welcome to come with me." She said. Leon liked that idea, he didn't want to be alone. But who would Rain go with? She's been staying near Kyle a bit more than Rusher.... and Rusher just stays near Blue....

"Who's going with who, then?" Leon asked. Blue jumped up, obviously trying to get away from Rusher as fast as she can with a good excuse. "I'll go with Leon!" She called.

Everyone looked around. "Well, maybe you three should go together, Kyle, Rain, and Rusher?" Leon asked. Blue wanted to be with her brother. And no one really knows what's up with Rusher and Rain.... Does she want Rusher or another wolf if shes avoiding him a bit more?

They didn't know what to do. Rusher didn't want to be like a betrayer, so he stepped beside Rain to claim he still wants to be with her, although he sort of had feelings for Blue now...... (Awkward maybe?)

Rain looked a bit surprised at his action. She thought he didn't want anything to do with her anymore. Kyle suddenly stood beside her as well.... He somewhat quietly growled when Rusher did that. Rain was confused. Who was she to like more? Hopefully they didn't have one of those stupid "Man-fights" over her. But it did make her feel a bit better that they both liked her.... sort of....

"Well young brother," Blue started to say to Leon, smiling. "Let's go on our journey. Off we go!" She said in a goofy way, heading in a direction. "You're going the wrong way, Blue." He laughed.

She looked at him. "That way!" She started marching the opposite way. "Also, we're sleeping here tonight, lets just go hunting for now." He told her again. She laughed. "Alright well..... I'll beat you! I bet I'll get more prey than you." She smirked, her tail in the air while she was in her play stance.

Leon ducked down to her with a competitive expression. "You're so on." He said. They both jumped up and raced to the nearest area for hunting. Rain watched them go, and laughed at what they did. They may seem more mature now, but they still had their playful ways of showing they are siblings. Rain loved that.

Rain yawned and stretched, saying, "Ah, I'm tired." She walked over to a grassy area and lay down. Rusher still watched as Blue ran around with Leon in the distance. They we're either playing or hunting, and trust me.... that does not look like hunting. Rusher got up and started to head off.

"Where are you going?" Rain asked him. "Hunting." He replied, not looking back. "Why? Leon and Blue are already hunting...." She told him.

"They seem like they are playing a bit more than hunting. I'll go get some prey for us." He told them. He ran off towards some trees, slightly in the direction of where Blue and Leon were.

Kyle thought this was a good chance to get a little closer to Rain. He didn't want to seem unfriendly towards her. "So, what did you usually do at your den?" He asked her curiously. He walked towards her a bit and lay near her.

"Oh," She said. "I loved going out with my mother to find herbs for healing. I loved to see what different kinds of plants could do." Kyle nodded. "Well I liked to play in the dirt, soo..." He told her. She laughed. "I'm serious!" He said, laughing.

"Well, what else did you do?" Rain asked him. He thought for a moment.

"I loved to play in the water also. Which isn't as weird as dirt.... but everyone loves dirt! Everyone has to love dirt." He told her, still laughing a little. They both laughed and talked, forgetting about how Rusher left.

Hiding behind the trees, Rusher watched them. He had brought back a few rabbits, and even a bird. He growled at the fact that Kyle was socializing with her. He shouldn't really even care, but he did. He jumped up with his prey out of nowhere, scaring Rain a little.

"Ahh!! Rusher! You scared me!" She laughed. Rusher laughed a little too. "Well I brought back some prey." Rusher said, placing it on the ground. "Thanks, Rusher." Rain said, reaching for a rabbit.

Rusher lay on the ground next to Rain.... not eating anything. He noticed Blue and Leon come back with tons of prey. "I beat you! I got more!" Leon told her, laughing. Neither of them noticed Rusher get some prey. "Oh fine, you beat me by one. Just one, alright?" She laughed.

"Wow, you guys caught a lot of prey. That's amazing!" Kyle told them. They both looked at him. "Oh, you don't even know what Rain can do." They both said in unison. Blue giggled and they started laughing again. Rain just rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on, let's just eat." She told them. They had a great evening, forgetting about the past... forgetting about the problems. Forgetting about what Rain did. Forgetting about the light... forgetting about the den.... Forgetting about their family.......... forgetting about Lily.

GAAAHHH finally. ;3 done. With the whole book. JK lol xD not even close. They are still like 5 days away, correct? Lol. Oh well. Why does Rusher like Blue? What does she even have that Rain doesn't.... probably nothing lol. I dunno where this is going, so.... well I kind of have an idea of whats going to happen, but lets just say I don't have all the details down.... lol. Alright byeeee!!! Remember to guess my age, Ashy, Julia, Sarah, and Haylee can't guess. Sarah my sister, too!!! . 3 .

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