cheepter 11

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The hospital lights blinded me as i slowly opened my eyes. I looked around to get more familiar with my surroundings. I also took note of the oxygen mask that was strapped to my face. I looked over to see Mator in a chair to my left. It felt like I could barely get my words out, but i asked him, "W-What happened..?"

  He looked at me, gazing into my green orbs. "Well baybay.. after yuh had stormed out of the haouse, you payssed out. So I colled an ambulaynce."

  I looked more around the hospital room. I was so confused but, I had also felt really bad for lashing out on mator like that. "M-Mator.. I'm should have n-n-n-n-never happened..."

  He looked at me and smiled softly. "Don't worry bout it pookie, I'll always forgive yooh."

  "Th-Th-Th-Thank yoh so much mator.. i'm feeling real thirsty, tho." I said to him. "I'll be raght back after i get chu some water." He said to me. He got up and left the room. As I watched him leave, I began to feel funny. Something in my gut was telling me I should be worried. It must have been contractions of some sort, because the pain was familiar and worse this time.

  That's when I heard the door click open, and a tall figure that I couldn't make out to be a person at first walked in. The shadow of the figure stepped closer, and I finally recognized it to be a doctor. I was glad, because maybe this doctor could help with my pain.

  "D-Doctor..? My c-c-contractions are getting worse.." I said. The doctor stepped closer and stood leaning over me, and telling me to take deep breaths and to relax. "Just take deep breaths and relax your muscles... it will all be over soon, Dreamy..."

  That's when I realized..this voice was very familiar. It almost had

  The face of the figure had finally became familiar to me.

  Then, suddenly..... I was looking into the eyes of the undead, Lightning Mcqueen.

dream x lightning mcqueen🥺🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now