Chmactofre 14..🤨🤔

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"L-LIGHTNING!" I yelled. I watched as lightning rapidly got closer to us and mators face twisting into a horrified expression.
"W-WHA.. HAOW??" The southern screamed. I noticed that instead of mcqueen having that sly grin from before, he was angered. It was like he was about to blow up into a raging tornado. "Don't you DARE treat him this way..!" Mcqueen commanded. The room started to fill up with panting and sweat, and anger. "G-Guy's please.. don't do this.." I begged. They both turned their heads towards me, both with fire in their eyes. "Dreamy baby... i want to protect you because, the truth is.. I'm still in love with you.. so much." Mcqueen said. I was shocked to hear him say those words.
After that was when mator started to become more exasperated, and backed mcqueen into a corner. I watched in horror as mator slowly started to drag a small box cutter knife out of his pocket, raising it higher and higher. "I knew this wuhld darn hayppen.. I shuld hayve NEVER PAHYUED AWFF THAT CAR INSURANCE!" Mator roared. Then i remembered...


A faint flashback to when we had found out mcqueen had "died" came back to me, and I remembered how the doctors told us we were also covered with geico..
( Had mator been paying off this insurance the whole time?! Why??

I brought myself back to reality, realizing mcqueens life was in jeopardy.. and I was doing nothing about it. I used all of my strength to bring myself out of the hospital bed, and quickly ran and took the knife out of mators hand.  I threw it across the room. I attempted to use...the power of words.
"Mator, lightning...this isn't you..this isn't the real you..🥺🥺" I said softly. I watched their faces as mator began to speak. "Holy jesus fuhck that wuhs annoying as heeaalll get him OUTTA HERE" His southern accent blurted.
"TO HELL WITH YOU YOU TEXIAN IDIOT!" Mcqueen conflicted. In a flash, mcqueen tackled mator to the ground.

dream x lightning mcqueen🥺🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now