Chmatpcter 13.. (extra juicy)

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" could always take a DNA test." Lightning spoke. "Think about it, maybe you wouldn't be in this position if you hadn't cheated on me with Mator."
I could feel my face heating up with anger. "Y-You don't understand... y-you're supposed to be d-dead.. and i felt a connection to him.... and he treated me with respect..!" I began to mutter, as my sentence escalated into quiet shouting.
I looked away, feeling his glare from peripheral vision.
"Felt a connection..? Aren't you the one who also lashed out on him for constantly going to bars? Leaving you pregnant at home.. alone? And maybe even.. having talking stages with other people..? If you still feel like you have a connection with this southern bastard, you are insane." He lectured. I found myself lost and confused. How did he know all of this happened..?
"L-Lightning.. how.. how do you know all of this?" I mumbled. He looked at me for a short moment, yet the tension made it feel even longer.
We then both turned our heads to the sound of footsteps approaching the door. Then suddenly, without a word, Lightning vanished into the air within a blink of an eye.

I stared at the wall in shock as I listened to mator walking into the room. I could feel his concerns growing larger as he looked at me.
"Hay pooks...I'm bacc with the wuhter..i-is sumn wrong?" He asked me. All I could do was look at him, petrified. I managed to give him a 'no' with a weak shake of my head.
"Dreahmy poo, just tall me whuts wrong..." Mator spoke again. "I.. I can't.."
I felt the tears that were already falling down my face starting to come out quicker, and more efficient. I couldn't muster up anything to say to him, so instead I let the tears fall and began to sob. I could tell he didn't know what to do with me, so i attempted to turn to the side, away from him. Then, I heard a slam come from the other side of me. I turned back around weakly, to find that mator had slammed the water onto the side table. I looked at him concerned, as he held his grip on the water bottle with a face redder than roses.
"M-Mator.." I managed to mutter. I started to become afraid.
" do yhu stahrt to cumplayn abouht me leavin all the taime when yhu won't TAWLK TO ME??" He shouted with anger. My entire body was starting to shake uncontrollably. Was..was he about to hurt me..? No, mator wouldn't do such a thing. Or.. at least I thought he wouldn't.

Boy.. I was so wrong.

It was so sudden that he let go of the water bottle, stood up, and yanked the IV dug into my skin right out of it. Idk why that was there actually maybe jus for like a prop or smth idk. It looked cool tho but anyway he yanked it out, and gave me the nastiest glare I had ever seen. Everything happened in a flash, but what stuck with me was when..

Lightning mcquan appeared in the room again and started to beef with mator...

dream x lightning mcqueen🥺🥺🥺Where stories live. Discover now