Letter C: Hisoka Morrow

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ewewewewewew i hate this man with a passion even more than chrollo aaaa
he is a slimy piece of shit so he isn't gonna have a nice letter i am sure of it
also something to think about is the fact that he led you to your death 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
anyways let's go


Dear Y/N,

I can't say I'm surprised when I look at your grave. After all, we both knew what was coming to you. Prancing around left and right, in one club and out the next, honestly, I'm surprised this didn't come quicker for you.

Yet, I know my opinion know longer matters to you, so I will refrain from insulting your bloodline as much as I can. At least, you.

Machi's nen won't let me put this near your grave. At all. Whenever I try, my hand is sliced clean off. The second time, it was burned completely. This, I suspect is someone else's nen, but there is no use for me to look into it.

Ah, I cannot say I feel complete zen when I notice your gravestone. It surprises myself as much as it does you. I'll never ever see you again.

There were fun times I had with you I must admit. The times we went clubbing together are truly unforgettable, yet again I could simply go with someone else. However, there's no one who gives off the same dystopian aura I relish that you lived in.

I try to imagine your face as you read this, perhaps morphing into a frown at the distasteful parts and slightly upturning when you see something you like.

There is not much I wish to say to you, other than the fact that your Spider friends may be joining you. You had an easy death darling, but I am not so merciful on the rest of them.

Maybe I will see you soon? Either way, say hello to Kurta from me ;)

~ Morrow


if you didn't manage to guess, the nen burning hisoka's hand is feitan's idk i feel he'd do some shit like that lmfaoo

this man is so 😨😨😨 i can't bro

next letter is the final one, and the last ever update of this book!

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