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Today is the day for auditions. You're really nervous but you shouldn't be. "Good luck," a random guy said, coming out of the studio. "Hi Y/N, glad you could make it," Brian said. "Show them what we practiced love," Roger said, his eyes beaming with excitement.

You play what you've been practicing and apparently either really good, or really bad. "I'm speechless darling. ABSOLUTELY. SPEECHLESS." Freddie said, while the rest of them just gawked at you. "Wait a second," Roger exclaimed, making his way to the door. When he opened it he screamed, "Everyone can fuck off, we found a new piano player! Thanks though!" When Roger came back inside everyone was silent for a second, trying to take in everything that just happened. Brian walked up to, and as he shook your hand he stated, "Welcome to the band. Practice starts here at 7:00 tomorrow. Don't be late."

*Later at where you and Mary live*

"That's the best thing I heard all day! Damn, work was rough. But how did it go down. Tell me everything," Mary said, really happy at the fact that you joined Smile. "Well I walked in there, played some music, and left. Nothing really to it," you laughed. "Well why don't you call up the boys to meet us at a bar to celebrate, tell them I'll pay for the first round, and it'll be great. Just don't get drunk, we don't need you hung over on your first day of practice," Mary stated. She was right. You never really got drunk, after seeing your dad pass out from alcohol you try to stay away from it.

"Hey, Roger, do you and the rest of the boys want to meet up at a bar from celebratory drinks. Mary is gonna pay for the first round. You can come if you want," you said to Roger on the phone. "I can never pass down free drinks love. See ya there," he said. You couldn't stop thinking about him. You didn't know why but even though you guys barely knew each other he felt like a childhood friend. Like someone you could go to for support and for a fun time. He was himself, and that really says a lot about a person.

Thanks for reading :) I hope y'all liked this one and if you guys want more tell me. Love you <3

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