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You and Roger went to his flat and you stayed the night there, again. You felt safe with him. "You have really pretty eyes," you say to him. You had a feeling he already knew this by the way he smiled at you when you said it, but he still thanked you. After laying with Roger for a while you heard the phone ring. "I'll get it," you say. "Hello?" "Hi darling," Freddie said. "Hey Fred! You ok, it's kinda late," you say, it was 11:45. "Yeah..well no actually. So you know how me, Brian, and deaky live in the same flat right? Well, apparently one of our neighbors called a lot of noise complaints, and now we're being evicted," he said. "Oh my god, Freddie," you say. "I have to go, we are all packing our stuff up," he said. "Wait, you can stay at my flat for the night. Just call Mary, im sure she'll be ok with it," you say. "Thank you so much dear, bye!" Freddie said, hanging up on you.

"I heard something about Freddie," Roger said. "Yeah, they just got evicted," you say. "Oh fuck-" Roger said, completely caught off guard. "I told him that they could stay the night at my flat with Mary, but I'm afraid they might get too comfortable," you say. "We should go over," Roger said. You and roger get in his car and go to your flat. "Y/N! Thanks for bringing her back roger," Mary said, hugging you. "She got annoying," roger said sarcastically, hugging Mary. "When are the boys getting here?" you ask Mary. "Any minute now," she said, looking at her watch. They finally arrive with a lot of boxes in there car. "The hell did you guys get evicted for?" Roger said. "If you would answer your phone, you would know," Freddie said. "We got too many noise complaints," Brian said. "You guys can set the boxes in the living room for now. Mary and Freddie can share a room, if that's ok with you guys, someone can get in my room and someone can have the couch," you say, and they all nod. John went in my room and Brian slept in the couch. "We have to catch up!" Mary said. "Yes! I have so much to tell you," you say. Mary basically knew everything because of Freddie, but it was nice to retell it. Well, most of it. "I gotta get back to Rogs flat. I'll meet up with you tomorrow," you say, leaving. "I'm so glad you guys are finally together. Just make sure I'm the first one to know about the wedding," Mary said, chuckling. "Of course," you say, hugging her goodbye.

You get back to Rogers flat and see him staring out his window. "It's beautiful," you say, looking at the sunset. The sky was painted with reds, and blues, and purples. You could barely make out the clouds, and the moon was bright and bold. "Not as beautiful as me," Roger said. "Hey!" you said sarcastically, punching his arm. He put his hand around your torso, and pulled you close to him. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" he says to you, whispering into your ear. "No actually, it's usually the opposite," you say, letting out a sigh. "Well they're wrong. You're so fucking gorgeous," he said. The sound of his raspy, tired voice sent shivers up your spine. You felt your heart beat fast and your face getting red. You sat on his lap, as he wrapped both his arms around your waist and squeezing you tightly. You've never felt this safe, or loved. You wrapped your hands around his arm, your head leaning on his shoulder. You could feel his heart beat. You guys just sat there in silence, watching the sun completely set beyond the horizon, watching the moon and stars dance around the night sky. You were gently placed into his bed, and Roger kissed your forehead. This was the most romantic thing to ever happen to you. You started drifting off to sleep, imagining what your guys date would be like. Maybe a picnic, or a fancy restaurant.

You woke up to Roger lightly stroking your hair. "Good morning love," he said. "Good morning drummer boy," you say to him, as he kissed your cheek. "Freddie said he has a lot planned for us, so get your ass up and moving," he says. "Alright," you say, stretching. You make scrambled eggs. You got dressed and you both head to the studio. "Hello my favorite love birds! We're recording our album today! It's called A Night At The Opera," Freddie exclaimed. "Oh god," you say dramatically. "One of my friend sent me a demo of him playing a melody on the piano and I want Y/N to repeat it. I already have lyrics for it, and Y/N don't start until I tell you to. The rest of you follow her orders I guess," Freddie said. You listened to the melody. It was like nothing you ever heard before. "Did they give you any sheet music?" you ask Freddie. "They didnt darling, but I can ask them to," Freddie said. "I'll kind of need it for a piece like this," you say. "Well in the meantime, we haven't found any flats yet," John said. "Damn that sucks," Roger said, "maybe you guys can stay at my flat." "Roger..." you say. "What! I'm just being nice," he said confused on why you would be annoyed. You weren't annoyed that the boys would come over, you were annoyed that you guys didn't talk about it. "Is it too late to do shots?" you ask. You weren't asking anyone in particular, you really just wanted a genuine answer. It was probably the birth control. John answered with a no but Freddie seemed up the idea. "I can't imagine having to deal with Roger all day, every day darling, I'm surprised on how you manage," Freddie said. "Youre not the only one," you say, walking outside. "Where are you going?" Roger said. "Just for a walk. I'll be back in 5," you say. You needed this fresh air. The wind hitting your face was nice, seeing how hot is was. You just needed a break from all the noise, it was driving you insane.

You walk back to hear Roger and Freddie arguing, Brian trying to calm them down, and John just sitting in the couch. "The fuck is going on! I leave you children alone for 5 minutes and you go wankers," you yell. "What the hell is the problem anyway?" you ask them. "Roger wrote a song, and it's absolute SHIT darling," Freddie said. "It's not! It'll be great," Roger said. You looked over at John. "It's called Im In Love With My Car," he said. You laughed, not thinking he was serious. "It's not bad Roger, it's just not strong enough," Brian said. "You call me sweet, like I'm some kind of cheese," Roger said, looking off of Brian's paper. "It's just a bit weird, that's all," John said. Roger looks back at Brian and starts throwing bacon at him. "Is that strong enough," he said. As soon as he reached over for the coffee machine we all yell, "Not the coffee machine!" "I swear," you whisper to yourself.

That's it for this chapter :) if it's not obvious I really didn't know what to do lol but thanks for everyone who's reading it love you<3

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