Chapter 1 Bad children must be found

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Gregory had managed to place the thing that was needed to activate the atrium to get Freddy to the maintenance hallways in order to get to Parts and Service. Gregory place the thing inside as music that he heard from the speakers which was somewhere around the party room as he saw a giant holograms of the entire band getting ready to perform with their instruments ready as he have footsteps that belong to Roxy and Monty that they were patrolling around here including the S.T.A.F.F bots as well with the flashlights as he avoided them and he did well not counting the time he set up some alarms.

Gregory managed to get on the atrium with Freddy as they headed down to the maintenance hallways but on the way down the lights went out as appearance of a starry night came interview then laughed appeared and familiar pair of red eyes and blue fingertips put everything on edge.

Gregory remembered how he avoided them all night but out of all of the time they had to come out this was the wrong time as the atrium continue to go down as creepy laughter continued as well before the silhouette disappeared.

" Not again! What are we gonna do now Freddy?"

" Do not panic! We had nearly reached the maintenance hallway there was a recharge station there will be safe."

Gregory felt the atrium as it landed on the floor and he and Freddy got off the atrium and headed towards the maintenance hallways hoping to get to the recharge station. After avoiding the sounds of footsteps accompanied with jingling bells Freddy and Gregory made it it was recharge station right there.

" Quickly Gregory! Let us get inside the recharge station."

" Got Freddy! I'm right behind-."

"Naughty boy! It's past your bedtime."

Gregory felt something reaching out and grabbing him as he looked to see that a familiar pair of blue fingertips had wrapped around his body and yanked him away as he turned around to see Freddy as he was pulled away. Gregory felt something unknown as everything that he had experienced had finally bubbled up to hit the breaking point as he was being taken to somewhere but everything that he has experience has finally overwhelmed him as he started kicking and pushing then the starry night appearance had faded away as he was kicked out of whatever had caught him and he couldn't see anything but pitch black.

Gregory started running and continued but he didn't know where he was going as everything was completely pitch black and everything that he had experienced tonight had finally caught up to him as he felt himself becoming scattered brained and he couldn't think straight. Gregory felt the tears going but he didn't care as he continued to cry then he tripped on something and he got up and still continued to cry he couldn't walk anymore has he just sat there crying having a mental breakdown.

(" I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.")

Gregory continues like this not listening to the sound of footsteps accompanied with jingling bells as a silhouette despite it being pitch black standing right there. But before the silhouette could do anything Gregory reacted without thinking and hugged the silhouette tightly as the silhouette try to get him off but that only made Gregory nuzzled even further. That's when the silhouettes stopped and started thinking.

(" It's been so long since a child had nuzzled me. It's been so long since I Moondrop and my brother,my other half Sundrop have this. It's really nice.")

Gregory felt something hugging him and holding him gently as he proceeded to be carried off by whatever as he had passed out from all of that crying and being overwhelmed. The silhouette continue to hold onto Gregory until they reach the daycare then it will be more comfortable to sleep. But on the way there the silhouette was stopped by a white rabbit lady with poor stitching on her costume with a pair of red eyes staring back as she got closer.

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