Gregory is still very much perplexed on what exactly is happening right now, as there is so many questions that he wants answers too.As there was a conversation that is happening about him right now.It is strange what is happening right now all of it is it was very odd to say the least as this is the last thing he ever expected to happen to him.Gregory is just sitting on the red couch, trying to process everything that is happening as he is processing everything as what he had gathered as he knows that the pizzaplex has the answers he is searching for.
But it's still so confusing as he was trying to figure out what is going on as it seems to be like an entire labyrinth, that he was trying to figure out.He really need some answers that needed to be found as well as everything else that's happening to him as it was a lot to process for himself.
It soon became clear that this establishment had open up again, meaning that it was now six in the morning as the other Glamrocks are probably back in their rooms now in Rockstar Row.As the pizzaplex will be opening soon as the conversation about him was still happening as he was too busy, focussing on all of these questions that he wanted answers too.
("I honestly don't know what to do in the situation. I've never felt this lost before, including confused.It's like a strange dream I don't understand any of this.But I know that the answers are in the pizzaplex as I'm pretty sure that Vanessa has some answers. I don't know what it is. My entire past is just completely a mystery for me right now.")
Gregory is still so lost in his own thoughts, not realizing that the conversation was happening between him right now.The conversation is about him as it was pretty clear that Freddy was confused as to what was happening ever since Gregory was taken away in the maintenance section of the pizzaplex. As the lead singer couldn't understand what was happening right now, as he can tell that the child that was sitting on his couch.
In his room was also equally confused about all of this.It was unclear as to what is happening, but it was now the morning, but when it will become night officer, Vanessa will return back to the establishment.That is what the animatronic bear knew for certain as it's still is confusing as to what exactly is happening right now.But right now, Freddy needed to hide this child, perhaps in his room, but it would appear that there would be other options in mind.
"I don't know what is happening but I do know that now the pizzaplex will be open soon, and Vanessa will be back.Gregory needs to hide as I was thinking that Bonnie Bowl would be the best place for him to hide."
"No! That is not an option.There's no way that Starshine is going there. Sure none of the other Glamrocks and the employees go there, but. It is not an option.I will not allow that for him. Neither will my brother maybe he can come back to the daycare no one goes up the castle balcony to check on the room that me and my brother inhabit anyways."
("Ĩ̷̹t̴͕͠'s̷̯̕ r̶̻͌i̸̙̍d̵̰͋i̸̙̍c̶̼̈́u̷͉̽l̶̟̐ô̶̘u̷͉̽s̷̯̕.̷̖̉ L̸̦̋ë̶̠å̴̤v̴̢͑i̸̙̍n̴̬̐g̶̙͌ N̴̜͂i̸̙̍g̶̙͌h̴̠̀t̴͕͠l̶̟̐i̸̙̍g̶̙͌h̴̠̀t̴͕͠ i̸̙̍n̴̬̐ B̷̛͙ô̶̘n̴̬̐n̴̬̐i̸̙̍ë̶̠ B̷̛͙ô̶̘w̴̰̏l̶̟̐ w̴̰̏i̸̙̍t̴͕͠h̴̠̀ô̶̘u̷͉̽t̴͕͠ s̷̯̕u̷͉̽ṕ̴̥ë̶̠r̶̻͌v̴̢͑i̸̙̍s̷̯̕i̸̙̍ô̶̘n̴̬̐.̷̖̉T̸͍́h̴̠̀å̴̤t̴͕͠'s̷̯̕ v̴̢͑ë̶̠r̶̻͌y̷̘̌ n̴̬̐å̴̤u̷͉̽g̶̙͌h̴̠̀t̴͕͠y̷̘̌ ô̶̘f̷̙̀ M̶̹͆r̶̻͌.̷̖̉F̸͇̃å̴̤ẑ̸̨b̴̯̑ë̶̠å̴̤r̶̻͌.̷̖̉A̵̱͠s̷̯̕ t̴͕͠h̴̠̀ë̶̠ ô̶̘t̴͕͠h̴̠̀ë̶̠r̶̻͌ G̷̺̾l̶̟̐å̴̤m̷̖̋r̶̻͌ô̶̘c̶̼̈́k̸͙̋s̷̯̕ å̴̤r̶̻͌ë̶̠ n̴̬̐å̴̤u̷͉̽g̶̙͌h̴̠̀t̴͕͠y̷̘̌ t̴͕͠ô̶̘ô̶̘ c̶̼̈́h̴̠̀å̴̤s̷̯̕i̸̙̍n̴̬̐g̶̙͌ h̴̠̀i̸̙̍m̷̖̋ d̵̰͋ô̶̘w̴̰̏n̴̬̐ l̶̟̐i̸̙̍k̸͙̋ë̶̠ t̴͕͠h̴̠̀å̴̤t̴͕͠ t̴͕͠h̴̠̀ë̶̠y̷̘̌'l̶̟̐l̶̟̐ b̴̯̑ë̶̠ ṕ̴̥u̷͉̽n̴̬̐i̸̙̍s̷̯̕h̴̠̀ë̶̠d̵̰͋ f̷̙̀ô̶̘r̶̻͌ i̸̙̍t̴͕͠.̷̖̉ Ĩ̷̹n̴̬̐c̶̼̈́l̶̟̐u̷͉̽d̵̰͋i̸̙̍n̴̬̐g̶̙͌ V̵̎͜å̴̤n̴̬̐ë̶̠s̷̯̕s̷̯̕å̴̤ å̴̤n̴̬̐d̵̰͋ t̴͕͠h̴̠̀å̴̤t̴͕͠ r̶̻͌å̴̤b̴̯̑b̴̯̑i̸̙̍t̴͕͠.̷̖̉Ĩ̷̹ d̵̰͋ô̶̘ n̴̬̐ô̶̘t̴͕͠ t̴͕͠h̴̠̀i̸̙̍n̴̬̐k̸͙̋ i̸̙̍t̴͕͠ i̸̙̍s̷̯̕ å̴̤ g̶̙͌ô̶̘ô̶̘d̵̰͋ i̸̙̍d̵̰͋ë̶̠å̴̤ t̴͕͠ô̶̘ l̶̟̐ë̶̠å̴̤v̴̢͑ë̶̠ h̴̠̀i̸̙̍m̷̖̋ i̸̙̍n̴̬̐ t̴͕͠h̴̠̀ë̶̠ b̴̯̑ô̶̘w̴̰̏l̶̟̐i̸̙̍n̴̬̐g̶̙͌ å̴̤l̶̟̐l̶̟̐ë̶̠y̷̘̌.̷̖̉ Y̶̤̿ô̶̘u̷͉̽ å̴̤n̴̬̐d̵̰͋ Ĩ̷̹ c̶̼̈́å̴̤n̴̬̐ t̴͕͠å̴̤k̸͙̋ë̶̠ c̶̼̈́å̴̤r̶̻͌ë̶̠ ô̶̘f̷̙̀ h̴̠̀i̸̙̍m̷̖̋ i̸̙̍n̴̬̐ S̴̯͆u̷͉̽ṕ̴̥ë̶̠r̶̻͌s̷̯̕t̴͕͠å̴̤r̶̻͌ d̵̰͋å̴̤y̷̘̌c̶̼̈́å̴̤r̶̻͌ë̶̠.̷̖̉ N̴̜͂ô̶̘å̴̤h̴̠̀ g̶̙͌ô̶̘ë̶̠s̷̯̕ u̷͉̽ṕ̴̥ t̴͕͠ô̶̘ t̴͕͠h̴̠̀ë̶̠ c̶̼̈́å̴̤s̷̯̕t̴͕͠l̶̟̐ë̶̠ b̴̯̑å̴̤l̶̟̐c̶̼̈́ô̶̘n̴̬̐y̷̘̌.̷̖̉ A̵̱͠n̴̬̐y̷̘̌w̴̰̏å̴̤y̷̘̌s̷̯̕,̵̞̀ y̷̘̌ô̶̘u̷͉̽ å̴̤n̴̬̐d̵̰͋ Ĩ̷̹ c̶̼̈́å̴̤n̴̬̐ t̴͕͠å̴̤k̸͙̋ë̶̠ s̷̯̕u̷͉̽c̶̼̈́h̴̠̀ g̶̙͌ô̶̘ô̶̘d̵̰͋ c̶̼̈́å̴̤r̶̻͌ë̶̠ ô̶̘f̷̙̀ h̴̠̀i̸̙̍m̷̖̋ t̴͕͠i̸̙̍l̶̟̐l̶̟̐ i̸̙̍t̴͕͠ b̴̯̑ë̶̠c̶̼̈́ô̶̘m̷̖̋ë̶̠s̷̯̕ å̴̤f̷̙̀t̴͕͠ë̶̠r̶̻͌ h̴̠̀ô̶̘u̷͉̽r̶̻͌s̷̯̕ å̴̤g̶̙͌å̴̤i̸̙̍n̴̬̐ i̸̙̍n̴̬̐ t̴͕͠h̴̠̀ë̶̠ ṕ̴̥i̸̙̍ẑ̸̨ẑ̸̨å̴̤ṕ̴̥l̶̟̐ë̶̠ẍ̵͕́.̷̶̖͚̉̿")
Gregory is still trying to process everything after what happened as it was clear he wasn't leaving this establishment anytime soon.It is very strange to say the least, but it was honestly much more better than living in a cardboard box in an alleyway using a newspaper as a blanket.Then after a long conversation, that seem to last for a very decent amount of time as there are footsteps that belong to the employees heading into Rockstar Row.So Freddy then admitted to defeat to all of this, because there was no way he was going to move this to his favour anyways as there was no time to get to Bonnie Bowl as well.So the animatronic bear went towards the red couch, and spoke with the child.
" Superstar I'm afraid there isn't enough time to take you to Bonnie Bowl.So you have to go back to the Superstar daycare.As you will be safe there until it is after hours again in the pizzaplex.But for now you have to go back to the daycare and back with the daycare attendant."
"Ok Freddy I understand. I'll see you next night."
Gregory wouldn't admit that he was starting to get tired and that was a first for him to say the least. He rarely get any sleep. So this was strange for him to say the least. He wasn't going to count the time that he had an adrenaline overload and lost consciousness. He's not counting that one.Then he soon got up from the red couch as his eyelids were starting to go a little droopy as he walked towards the playtime attendant as he knows that the nighttime attendant is watching as well within the systems, as he was glad that the lights were not off.
Gregory then felt himself being taken away as everything ended up being in a blur for him as then the familiar upbeat and bubbly music came back as it was playing in an endless loop as he look to see that he was back in the daycare again. Although this time he was on the castle balcony, because strange, as he always wondered what was inside as he turned around to see, it looked very different from the Glamrocks rooms in Rockstar Row.As the bandmembers rooms, except for Monty, which he cannot see because it was blocked out from his vision in Rockstar Row.
But the rest of the members rooms were pristine, looking to say the least.But this room had cobwebs and dust, including some cables, as well as robotic equipment, and some shelves.It was completely disorganized, as there was a playhouse similar to the one that was in the daycare including there being plushy's of the Glamrocks scattered around here as well. Including kids size chairs as well and some boxes not to mention piñata's and many other items here as well mostly everywhere.
Gregory also noticed a logo for the pizzaplex including at one of the edge of the room there is an arcade cabinet called: Balloon world.He is very surprised to say the least, as he was not expecting this at all, as he can't have a feel like this was unfair.Gregory didn't like this at all as the daycare attendant is all that was left of his mother and many other things as well that he cannot think right now.Because his body was just so tired, he desperately wanted to sleep.Then he noticed what appeared to be a sleeping cot that is blue with the pattern of stars it look brand new, at least by his standards, but he was just so tired right now he didn't really care.So he then entered inside of it as he felt the warmth as this was the first time he had ever felt comforting warmth in the very long time.Gregory couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, as he slowly close them, letting the adrenaline become in slow as he soon drifted off into this sweet dreamland that he was desperately needing.
Truth & secrets
FanfictionWhat if instead of Freddy being kidnapped on the atrium it is Gregory that got kidnapped things may change a lot.As Gregory might be more familiar, then originally seen for the first time for the playtime and naptime attendant, as well as his family...