Chapter 6 Awake 

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Gregory felt his body being entirely sore as he was trying to get up as he felt his entire body snapped back into place as it was good, but also painful at the exact same time as he doesn't remember what that happened.He felt his head hurt as he needed to find someway to shake this pain off as everything around with him was fuzzy. It was difficult to tell what exactly happened as he remembered having a adrenaline crash, including holding onto something it felt familiar for some strange reason.

But he couldn't worry right now because he needed to shake this feeling off as when he was doing that he listened as familiar music began to play.It's the same music he had listen to when he had first enter into the Superstar daycare as he opened his eyes, but the light quickly blinded him as he close them shut again.

Gregory soon found himself going backwards a little bit as he lost balance due to him opening his eyes when the lights were on as it took him a while to regain his balance.He remember the first time he was here as he did not want to have that account again being spin around like that and constantly being pestered. Not to mention being chased around by the nighttime attendant when the lights went out the playtime attendant was nice but it may think the little difficult, and when the lights go out in the nighttime attendant came it just cause a lot of issues.

He then opened his eyes again slowly after, while his surroundings became much more clearer as he wasn't blinded like last time. It was unclear as to how he even got here in the first place, but he needed to get out of find Freddy.The Superstar daycare isn't safe for him as he needed to get out of here besides he was banned from coming here anyways, so how did he get back in here? He had no idea. As well as he needed to find Freddy as the last thing he remember was in the maintenance tunnels when everything was pitch black then hugging onto something everything was just a complete fuzzy static afterwards.

Gregory then got back up as he couldn't be here anymore but he doesn't understand why there's this place feel so familiar to him.He doesn't remember much when he was young, he does remember having a nice mother, not to mention that there were some friends as well, but everything else is fuzzy.He couldn't let himself get distracted as it didn't take long for him to get up as he started to stretch his body again.The upbeat, and bubbly music continue to play in the endless loop as he started walking and trying to find the exit as he was getting lost in his own thoughts.

(" How did I even get back in here? Wasn't I banned from coming back? I don't even know anymore. I need to find Freddy as well. Hopefully I don't run into that murderous rabbit again.It was a lot to say at least as I don't understand why he even came in the pizzaplex to begin with. It just felt very familiar to me.I don't understand that at all but I should really get out of here. There's no point in me getting distracted. I should really find the exit here. I am not going to have a replay of what happened the last time I was here. Anyways, I should probably find the exit now.")

Gregory continue to walk as his legs were a little bit wobbly so he was walking a little bit strange as it took him a while to walk properly again.He then noticed the giant wooden doors as he found the exit that he was searching for, but then the sound of footsteps came from the outside.It was strange didn't sound anything like Vanessa the other person that was in here besides himself that wasn't an animatronic.Gregory then look through the windows as he notice some employees that were here walking around as he didn't understand what was going on, but he managed to listen to some of the employees that were talking to each other. It was a good thing that nobody knows he was in here as he continue to listen to the conversation.

"I still can't believe that Freddy crashed on stage like that. It was a good thing that we put them in low power mode. Until we can figure out what is going on. I still am kind of pissed off at Vanessa though. Look, I understand there was a kid here after hours, but there was no point for her to get that band involved.I mean there's already a lot of security and other stuff to help her out, so why did she needed the band? Honestly, it's kind of against regulations to do that."

"I know what you mean Vanessa is in hot water because of that now management has demoted her security level.So Vanessa won't be coming into the daycare for a while not to mention due to the demotion won't be able to do so the things that she used too.As Freddy is currently back in his room at Rockstar Row with the other band members. Anyways, let's get to work. It's a good thing that the pizzaplex is closed for the week to get this done Freddy is still on low power mode. As management only wants us to do the basic maintenance check at the moment."

Gregory watched as the employees to the left the area as he took in a deep breath as the adrenaline within his body return to normal as he didn't even realize that it went up again.He now knew were Freddy is as he needed to head back to Rockstar Row to get him out of his room again as he started to walk, but he can't shake off the feeling that he was being followed.By the time he realized what was off it was too late, as sounds of bells came as he was quickly wrapped around familiar hands and arms as the adrenaline within his body started to go up again, as well as his heartbeat.

Gregory started to kick, but he couldn't make a sound as he felt there was a lump in his throat that prevented him from speaking as he felt himself being pulled away.He started panicking as his surroundings started to change a little bit.His head started spinning as he felt his entire world, starting to fade out but he managed to regain his senses long enough as he didn't black out again.Gregory then managed to escape this weird hole that he was in as he was laying down on the multicoloured squishy section of the daycare, close to the jungle gym area as the rest of the squishy floor had a different colour.

He then started to get up, but he felt something grabbing his legs as he tried to struggle to get out, but the group was getting tied up by each minute, but it wasn't trying to cause any injuries on him.Gregory felt panic throughout his entire body as he was trying to escape, but failed every attempt he had as he continues to struggle until he felt himself collapsing back on the floor.

Then, to his realization, he felt himself being slowly dragged away again as he was trying to escape, but he couldn't.The only thing that is different was the sound of bells he recognize those sounds as he then turned around.Gregory looked to see the daycare attendant as he knew, since the lights were on that means that Sundrop is out as he did not want the lights off so that Moondrop can't take over something about it though feel strangely familiar.

He doesn't understand why as he can't right now as he needed to get out and and find Freddy at Rockstar Row to get out of here before the rabbit lady gets him.So why wasn't he being taken out of the daycare yet? It was very strange. Normally he would've been taken out said he was banned, but he was being dragged slowly and closely.

It was very strange to say the least.Gregory had no idea what is going on as everything was going crazy.He soon realize that he was bought close to be in face to face in a stare off.Gregory didn't know what to do in the situation as he didn't know what to do in the situation until a voice spoke to him as it sounded a little bit strange, but as well as familiar to him at the exact same time.

" Missed you!"

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