Chapter 18 Return to Rockstar Row

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The first thing to do is try to do next as the employees are not going to be there until tomorrow as now is time to go out and find out what exactly is happening in the pizzaplex.So he needed to head back to Rockstar Row so that he can get back to Freddy and to get some answers.He continued on walking as his chaperone was following him thanks to the sounds of jingling bells it was easy to know.

Gregory also notice how there are patrolling S.T.A.F.F bots as the music continue to play in an endless loop there is also some noise of the other bandmembers as he soon looked around.To see that there is Roxy and Chica but it was strange that there was no sign of Monty as it wasn't like the bass player at all to be unable to make an appearance it doesn't seem like him at all?

So where is the gator what exactly is happening right now?It is very unusual then yet again now that things have gone completely crazy ever since he entered the pizzaplex it is a very strange situation.It is a very strange thing that is happening with him right now.Gregory couldn'tlet himself get distracted, however as he needed to find some answers about his past and the pizzaplex has these answers somewhere.

He then looked to see that his chaperone still there as he is still on his destination to get to Rockstar Row and get back to Freddy.As then he is going to the hallway as the sounds of bells continue to follow him as the patrolling S.T.A.F.F bots are not even trying to look for him, but Roxy and Chica is a completely other different scenario.

As it is clear that the wolf and the chicken are going crazy and searching everywhere.So he needs to very careful, especially when it comes to the wolf as Chica isn't so bad, but Roxy is very difficult to say the least, but not as difficult as Monty.Gregory soon felt a familiar touch on himself then he looked to see that the playtime attendant right next to him as he can't help but wonder if the nighttime attendant is watching from within the systems.

But he didn't have any time to be curious about that as he had to get back to Rockstar Row.So that he can get back to Freddy so he waited as Roxy is passing by along with some patrolling S.T.A.F.F bots.As it is still confusing as to why Vanessa hadn't shown up yet.

" Give up you can't win! You are nothing! Hey kid come on out we're only trying to help."

Gregory is smart to know that is it true not to mention all of the mean stuff that the wolf said so he wasn't gonna fall for that.But he needed to wait and be patient until Roxy decides to leave as knowing the wolf that won't be easy to say the least, but afterwards the keytar player left. After searching around it was clear that the wolf got tired and headed off somewhere else in this establishment.

He doesn't understand what happened, but he didn't care as all that was left all the patrolling S.T.A.F.F bots.That is still an issue, but it wasn't as bad as having one of the band members there so at least that was good news.But he soon listen to the sounds of bells came towards the mess. He remembered his chaperone as he didn't mind at all.

But right now he needed to figure out a way to get pass those patrolling S.T.A.F.F bots as the electric guitar player soon left as well. So that was another problem solved but there is still the patrolling S.T.A.F.F bots.So it became clear that they needed to be at distraction, so that the S.T.A.F.F bots would be distracted, but what could work for that?Gregory soon found a plushy that had a squeaker inside it as he decided to use that for his distraction.

Then he took the plush and threw it as the squeaker activated, causing all of the patrolling S.T.A.F.F bots to go to the sound.He then use this opportunity to head through the hallway as his chaperone soon followed him as well.After that is now time to head back to Rockstar Row and to reunite with Freddy so that he can find some answers.The music began to change, but it's still played in an endless loop as he soon found of the hallways to maintenance.

He remembered those tunnels ever since he was first trapped in here as he soon open the doors and headed inside, as the sounds of bells followed him as well.It is still the same when he got here as he continued, but not before using his flashlight as he felt something grabbing other hand.Soon he looked to see that his surroundings are looking very familiar as he knew that he was getting close as he continued moving, as the sounds of bells followed him.

It is very strange at least to him it is as he hoped that the band members aren't here.As it turns out that the band members aren't here, which is very strange and like last time the rest of the band was here chasing him.So what had changed as he decided not to question it so much.Gregory then looked to that there is a cocky character that he does not recognize, though it appeared to be an old sign.

Considering how the paint there was practically peeling off as the character appeared to have a cautious look as the warning said:Closed for leaks

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Considering how the paint there was practically peeling off as the character appeared to have a cautious look as the warning said:Closed for leaks.That is honestly very strange to say the least at least for him it is as he decided to keep on moving as the sounds of bells continue to follow him.Soon after a long walk he then found his way back to Rockstar Row.Gregory is then hesitant, but open the door as he recognized the artefacts for the museum section of Rockstar Row including the artificial plants, as well as the golden statues of the band.

Not to mention neon images in shapes as well as cutouts of characters, including neon imagery of the band members, including their names.As he then headed off as the sounds of bell, still followed him to Freddy's room so that he can explain things, and hopefully he can get some answers to all of this.Because he really needed answers and the pizzaplex have these answers somewhere.

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