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"Come on, you can do this!" Arabella, my beautiful wife pushes once more. Then silence, and a loud baby crying. I hold the beautiful bundle of joy in my arms. 

She has deep silver eyes. Unique to the Black family.  She is the most beautiful thing on the entire world. But more mafia's will be after us now, she is our weakness. 

I bring her out and the boys coo at her. Lorenzo holds her and won't let any of her others brothers touch her. I smile at that, pick her up, and bring her back to Arabella. 

I know she will be the joy in our family. Arabella looks at her and smiles. "Her name will be Eudoxia Regina Black." I nod and give the baby to one of the nurses so Arabella can rest. 

I doze off until we hear a baby crying. I hurry over to the next room with my gun and find the guards unconscious. This is bad news. I open the door and feel like destroying everything from the sight in front of me. 

My baby is nowhere in sight, there is only a gold letter with the words

I will take very good care of your precious daughter. 

Don't worry, she will never live in peace. 

Hope you find her, which will be impossible. 

Yours truly, 

There isn't a name and I bang the door out of rage. My beautiful baby was taken away. Soon after Arabella comes in and starts crying after reading the letter. 

"Find her, bring her backkkk." The boys crowd in and a few of them drop tears. I know this is big for them, their one sister is gone. 

"I will find her, I promise." I will hunt those that have taken her. I WILL find her and she will be safe again. Stay safe beautiful, I will find you soon. 

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