Chapter 11

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It's been a year. Already been a year since everything happened. Aleksei is gone, probably somewhere mom sent again. Lavinia and Juliette have lost contact with me. They work with my family now, American side. 

Sophie has turned out to be an amazing friend, stays by my side. Chloe is also a friend, a true one not someone who wants to climb higher in the 'social status'. 

Sophie comes up to me, "You've gotten so close with Chloe and you aren't spending as much time with me..." I smile, she's so cute when mad. Like someone took her candy from her.

"So, what do you want again?" I don't say it in a mean voice, kind of teasing asking voice. 

"Hmm, if we both fall in a pool, who will you save first?" 

"No one, I'll jump in myself since your both good at swimming." Soph pouts. 

"That's not what I meant!" 

"What you meant is for Xia to save you first, am I right?" Chloe walks in with a smile. 

Sophie pouts buts laughs along. I know none of them really mean it, it's just a fun way for competition I guess. "I like you both so stop it!" They laugh, smiling at each other. 

None of us are on bad terms and I wish it to stay that way. "Girl, let's go train." The best way to break out of darkness, focus on something else. I've been training the hardest, I put down the heir position. 

To the Italian mafia, Stephano's oldest will be getting it. I can't do this anymore, I still run the gang but do it from the shadows. Of course a few months ago mom named me heir so I have more things to do. 

"Right Xia, instructor said to come to the main hall, it's time for the monthly test." There is a monthly test to see if you will keep your level, go down or up. I'm level 1 while Sophie and Chloe is level 2. 

There are mostly level 5s, although a 10 isn't rare either. If you're over 4, it's considered amazing. So far there is only 2 ones, me and Aleksei. I wear my normal black outfit, with hundreds of weapons hidden on me. 

There are seats depending on rank. The instructor comes into the platform, a boy follows behind. Raven black hair, deep blue eyes. He scans everyone's face, his eyes linger a bit too long on my face. 

"Everyone, this is Jett, please welcome him. Also, his test will be first, to figure his rank out." I cross my arms and legs, somehow interested in this boy. 

Surprisingly, Jett faces me too. The test consists of 3 steps. The knives and shooting one. Mind test, and finally field test. It's fun because you get to watch them do the test. 

Jett takes the gun, he is very quick in putting it together, then shoots. Bullseye, I was the only person to be able to get a bullseye. Impossible, I've never met anyone remotely similar to me.

Then he gets bullseye in knives too. Who is this guy? For the mind test, we are given multiple situations and what to do. He is caught in a cell with guards changing ever 2 hours. 

He figures out the way to escape pretty quickly with only mild injuries. For the final field test, he has to go through a series of obstacles. He eliminates all the projected people running at him. 

He jumps and dodges, perfect motion of control. Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want? Of course after all that he is put in level 1. Impossible, this can't be right.

Why does he need to come here if he is this good? I follow him after tests end, until he corners me in a hallway. "What do you want?" So he doesn't recognize me. 

"Nothing, why are you here if you're that good?" He looks at the pin on my clothes. He grin after seeing it. 

"Nice pin." 

"I asked you a question." 

"And I won't be answering, except maybe try remembering someone called Death." 

Death.Death.DEATH wait, the death as in top assassin coming close to me who I tried to kill for killing one of my targets first? I was really pissed that day. 

"You mean, death as in King of Death?" He smirks, gripping my wrist tightly. 

"Wow, amazing you found out so fast." You can't miss the sarcasm there. 

"Why are you here?" 

"Because I want to support the Russian leader, you do understand she helped me when I was starving and almost dead don't you?" For someone who is level 1, he doesn't do his research. 

"You mean mom?" His eyes widen just the tiniest bit, the only indication that he is surprised. His gaze flicks back to the pin, which has a wing on it. 

"Well, nice to meet you again." With that he turns away. Rude if I say so, I go out of the training centers, going to mom's office. 

Of course mom is busy, not in a bad way but she looks stressed, and when I mean stressed she is stressed. "What's wrong mom?" Her eyes land on me. 

"Xia, there's a problem. The Italians and Americans have made an alliance ever since you put your heir position down, they have been after us." I can't believe this, after everything I've done. 

Well anyone can betray anyone, and this time I won't be the only one betraying others. My own family, I guess they are mad at mom, but this has nothing to do with me, loyalty lasts only as long as both sides give it.

"And?" I know there is more. 

"They attacked our shipments. Also they want to meet in an old warehouse for talk. Although I know it isn't what they really want." I know what they want back, me. And probably other things as well. 

"I will give myself in, if it means we are safe." Mom shakes her head. 

"No, you can't one heir can't be going to another's mafia without a reason. It will be considered you not being loyal." I can understand that but seriously does she have something in mind? 

"Anything in mind?" Mom smiles, napping her fingers, a few people bring in a glass map. 

"I actually do have something. You see........" This isn't bad after all. 

"But you will die." She smiles, lifts up the gun she is holding. 

"It isn't that easy to kill me, I will meet you again when the time is right. Take this, it will give fake effects. Don't worry, you won't die unless you actually get shot by bullets or get wounded." 

I'm sorry, blood isn't thicker than water. If one side betrays, the other has no choice. I was an assassin and fighter before any of them came into my life. Everything I have is a lie, it's time I take what is mine. 

Every moment of my life was filled with lies and I can't do this anymore. We aren't perfect, we aren't wonderful. We are monsters, but it's okay, better to be a monster than stay in the back while everyone dies out. 

Wisdom is power, but power is power. Nothing will change that. 

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