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Everyone got ready for gym, the girls wearing shirts and shorts, some wearing leggings. The guys wore shirts or none, some wearing sweatpants or shorts.

"Everyone pair up!" Coach yelled, girls immediately flocking to Lucas and the friends he made.

"I'll be your partner Lucas...we can even shower together after..." Lucas stepped back, hitting Jaylen's back with his. He turned, Jaylen looking up at him. He stepped back, Lucas tilting his head.

Jaylen groaned, grabbing his arm. They went to the benches, some girls pretending to workout but instead watching them.

Lucas took his shirt off, sitting on the bench. "Grab me four two hundred pound weights." He told Jaylen, the girls gasping.

"He can't lift those, he's too fragile." Jaylen grabbed them, putting them on the bar. "Or maybe he can..."

He watched Lucas lift, counting his reps and sets. "Done," Jaylen said, Lucas groaning.

He put the weight down, Jaylen handing him his water. He wiped Lucas' face, the girls squealing. "You missed a spot." Lucas said, looking down at his v-line. Jaylen wiped it, keeping eye contact with him.

They stared at each other, coach's assistant walking over. "Aye, this is gym not a staring contest. Get to work," He stayed by them, watching.

Jaylen went into weighted squats, Lucas putting his hands near his hips. "One, two, three. Down, hold it." Jaylen stayed down for five seconds, going back up and continuing for five sets and three reps.

"Move aside, Lucas." The assistant said, placing his hands directly on Jaylen's hips. The squatted with him, looking down at his ass. "Nice, keep going."

"His set is actually done, it was done five minutes ago. I guess you got distracted..." Lucas said, getting in the male's face. The coach backed away from Jaylen, looking at the wolf.

"Lucas looks super fucking jealous," One of the spying girls whispered, the others agreeing. The coach left, going help other students. Lucas handed Jaylen his water bottle, sitting on the floor.

"Take a break..." Lucas said, Jaylen sitting with him. They drank from the same bottle, the group of girls gasping lightly.

"An indirect kiss." "The one that leads to relationships!" They all laughed, smiling.

Jaylen got back up to do push ups, Lucas watching him. He counted each one, smiling at the slim individual as he stood up at fifty. Lucas smacked his ass, grabbing a towel. "Shake it off."

The girls gasped, not believing what they saw. Jaylen turned to him and chuckled, leaning close to whisper. "Watch those hands...might get us in trouble..." Lucas rolled his eyes, turning to him.

"Can you do your sit ups so we can go shower?"Lucas held his legs, Jaylen going up each time. A few times they almost kissed, the girls waiting for it.

"Take a break, you're sweating through... everything..." Lucas said, looking at the sweat stains on Jaylen's shorts and shirt. Jaylen got up, taking off his shirt

"Better?" Lucas looked at the bite marks, wanting to grab his body and leave more.

The girl's whispered. "I think Lucas has a thing for Jay." "You think? He totally does." "Let's stay behind and see if they do anything."

They waited, Lucas and Jaylen staying after. "Jay," Lucas said, Jaylen walking to him. He leaned down to whisper. "The girls from earlier are hiding, I smell them. You leave first then I'll leave when I can't smell you anymore..."

Jaylen nodded, putting his hoodie back on. He looked up at Lucas, wanting to hug him but he couldn't. Their relationship was sexual and they never discussed anything more. It pained him with that reality, the pain worsening as he realized what he did that morning.

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