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"Remember what I said about calling Louis daddy on that phone call?"

Harry furrows his eyebrows in confusion but nods as he does remember. "Yeah you said you would explain it to me another day...are you going to explain it to me now?"

"Have you ever heard of a kink Harold?" Niall smirks.

"What like if there's a kink in a garden hose and you need to untangle it?" Harry asks innocently.

Niall laughs loudly as the boy's innocence is one of the funniest things Niall has ever come across. "Well technically yes that's true but there's another meaning."

Harry frowns as he's not sure what Niall means. "What's the other meaning?"

"Basically a kink is a specific thing you're into when you're doing anything sexual." Niall explains making Harry blush a deep red.

"Um a-and you think that Louis' kink is being called daddy?" Harry asks nervously.

"One hundred percent and I bet there's loads more too. Trust me, he's always taking care of you and I've never seen anyone more protective and possessive with someone than I have with Louis." Niall reassures making Harry smile.

"Well there's only one problem..." Harry sighs as he's definitely willing to try this if it will make Louis even more turned on but with recent events he's not sure if he'll get the chance.

"What do you mean?"

"Louis has been refusing to do anything sexual with me, every time I try something he rejects me." Harry huffs and Niall frowns.

"Trust me Haz. Call him daddy and he'll be on his knees for you in a matter of seconds." Niall smirks. "See you fix two problems in one—you get a drive home and Louis definitely won't let you leave the car without doing anything sexual."

Harry laughs. "Okay maybe you're right Ni-Ni."

Niall grins and starts to wave goodbye before leaving Harry after calling out to him. "Have fun!"

Harry laughs and takes a deep breath.

I guess I have no other option now.

Harry's honestly excited to see how Louis will react because he loves it when Louis turns really dominating and powerful in bed.

Is that a kink too?

Harry's head is overflowing with all the new information he's learned but he quickly pulls out his phone to text Louis so he can put his plan into action.

You: hi lou lou <3

A few seconds later, Louis replies making Harry smile adorably.

Lou <3: hey little one xx

You: can you come pick me up from school? I've missed my bus :(

Lou <3: baby I have band practice soon, there's not really enough time...

You: I know but please?

Lou <3: darling...

You: pretty please?

Harry inhales a deep breath before typing out his message, Louis is in the middle of typing a message so the boy assumes he should take Louis by surprise. Here goes nothing.

You: please daddy?

Louis immediately stops typing and Harry bites his lip nervously. Maybe Niall was wrong and he has just scared Louis away. Louis is still not replying and it's driving Harry crazy so he shuts his phone off and sits down on a bench nearby where he lets his leg bounce anxiously. However in the next second, Harry's phone is buzzing and the boy opens up his messages again.

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