Sex dungeon (Hilda x Hogsworth)

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Hilda was walking the hall, a little clumsy but trying to walk as if nothing happened to her. She maybe had some fun between her and the prisoner at the dungeon. No one bothered to ask why Hilda was walking the way she was. It happened yesterday.

It all happened when Hilda was walking with two guards downstairs to the dungeon to face off Hogsworth. As they opened the door of the dungeon, they saw Hogsworth sleeping, Hilda's heart skipped. She shook it off and face him but he was winning her heart. "Wake him up." Hilda said as she looked at the guard as they walked towards Hogsworth and waked him up.

Hogsworth stared at Hilda as she asks questions, specific questions of the war and their plans. All Hogsworth was telling them and scoffed.

After talking, Hilda needed him, no, that wasn't the right word for her, she must have him. She must, she wants him, she needs him. Hilda then put a smirk in her face. She turned to the guards to leave as they left, they were alone. Together.

Hilda approaches Hogsworth and uncuffs him. Hilda then kissed him as Hogwarts had no time to react but his eyes were wide open. It took him a minute to deepen to the kiss. They parted and kissed back passionately, get aggressive. They parted once more as Hogsworth let out a little "what the hell was that?!? It was god damn good" reaction as Hilda slide her fingers to Hogsworth dick. Hogs moaned, he smiled at Hilda, kneeing she wanted him, no matter what. He kissed her once more as he hold Hilda breast tightly as Hilda let out some moans.

They parted as Hilda took her clothes off as she was in her panties and her bra. Hogsworth was enjoying the view as he started kissing her breast as he took it off as well. Hilda moans on the pleasure of Hogsworth going to her body. Hogs started sucking Hilda's right breast and plays with her left. Hilda couldn't resist but needed to cum.
"Hogs, I need to cum.."
"Already? We didn't had the fun you wanted."
"Then do it quickly!"
"Alright, but it will be painful of course~"

Hogs took Hilda's panties away and Hilda was ready to feel Hogs big dick, which was 1 inch long as she was of course nervous but she prepared herself. Hogsworth thrust himself in slowly as Hilda was about to scream but covered her mouth. She moaned a little loud as Hogsworth was thrusting her in still slowly and wanting Hilda to get used to it so he can thrust faster.

"You ready for me to speed it up?"
"Mhm" she nods
Hogsworth started thrusting in a little faster as Hilda continues covering her mouth as she let some moans escapes. They hoped that none of the guards heard them moaning and heavy panting. Hilda couldn't hold it but cum as Hogsworth was teasing her for cumming early. Hilda could feel herself as a slut right now, obeying her arch enemies, but it felt good, too good to disobey him.

Hogsworth started speeding up as Hilda let a loud scream and covered it back. Hogsworth stopped and they stopped which made Hilda sad, but it was her mistake for screaming. They started grabbing their clothes as fast as they can as they could hear muffled.

When the three guards came in, they saw Commander Hilda holding the wall, well, she was laying on the wall but then wobbled as she was trying to stand straight as Hogsworth was giving her and the guards death stares.
"We heard you screaming Commander, is everything alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine. We will dismiss, he has nothing, he seems to like to keep his secret away from us. We will ask him more next time." As Hilda looked back at Hogsworth, she winked at him as she left.

Thank u Your_Friend_Jimmy for  requesting. Now I go and sleep cuz is now 12:32 AM and I'm tired as heck

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