I never hated you (Ceris x Lance)

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Ok... I admit..
I never hated Lance in the very beginning. I though hiding it would be better, since I'm about to be an ender queen and he is a rebel guy who won't even fit as a king guy. But alas, I can't stop thinking of him and his way of flirts. But I don't show my emotion, I just pretend I gross out and hate him so much but truly, I wanted to give him a big kiss and say that I truly love you.

I was out to the top of the end pillar and sat down there, just a little refresh of my mind. I had many thoughts of Lance. It was a little frustrating to get away from the guy you liked. I closed my eyes and let a deep breath in. As soon I opened my eyes I saw Arabella and I could feel my body down..

As I woke up, I felt about of pain flowing in my head, I groaned and I got up. I looked around but only to see that I'm in a room..... With lance?!? Ok, don't panic. Don't panic. I AM PANICKING!!! I AM ALONE WITH LANCE!
I had been with him alone, but it was open spaces, but this was a close space and I never felt being locked. All I could recall was Arabella coming and that's all.
I head Lance groaning and he got up and he saw me. Our eyes met and I didn't want to stop looking, but I did.
"So, um, how did we get here shorty?" Lance asked
"First off, don't call me shorty. And second, idk where are we. "
"I remember seeing Arabella and-"
"You saw her too?"
Lance nodded and it was weird, cuz, Arabella died years ago. She can't come back to life.
"Strange right."
I got shocked, it was like Lance just read my mind.
"Yeah... It is strange."
I blushed a bit cuz of Lance. he always makes me happy. His joy and the rebel of him. It makes me happy and safe.

We both stayed in the room, hopeless. We couldn't teleport out nor kick it. Something was sus with Arabella. How was she alive and how was she be able to destroy our magic in this room?

This feeling.... I don't know how to say it, but I started feeling off from me. I turned and I saw Lance pinning me to the wall as he smiled.
"Lance, get off now!" I said with my voice of anger. But I was actually squealing.
"Aw, it's cute when you try to be top~"
"Lance, are you trying to flirt? Cuz it won't work."
"Oh Ceris, I know deep down, you hide your feelings towards me locked. Come on, how about some fun, alone?~"
I was about to say something but I felt his lips connected to mine. I didn't move, just stared at what happened, but I slowly deepen to the kiss. We parted out and we kissed again. I put my arm around his neck and he put his around my hips. I felt, amazing. I started feeling more, heated. Yes, that was the word. I started moving my hips, not knowing why I was doing it but I wanted it. We parted once more and he gave me a seductive smirk.

"I see that you want it shorty."
"Maybe I do, and don't call me shorty, master~"

Lance started putting his hand under my clothing as I felt it on my tummy and I moan slightly on how his bare cold hands were there. He started slowly putting his hands right in my breasts where I moaned a bit louder. Lance went attack to my neck and sucked it and I couldn't do anything but enjoy and moan.

"M-more master. Please" I looked at Lance's eyes deeply to show him how I really want it. How I wished this day to come.
"Only you say you never hated me~"
"Lance.... Master, I never hated you, I always wanted you. Just do it please." I can feel Lance's hand right under my bra roaming around my breast fully.

I gasped more and bend a bit. Lance stopped and I looked to see what was wrong, but he was taking off his shirt and I started taking mine. I was now bra and panty on. Lance attacked my neck once more and he found my new weak spot and I started moaning full of pleasure. He started marking me with a lot of hickey's to show people I'm his. This felt so good. I felt like I was in my climax already, even though we haven't done the real fun.
"Don't tell me your already on your climax shory." Lance voice was hitting Ceris even more.
"Lance, please. Just hit me in my ass and please take my virginity away with you." I panted as he sucks my neck. He stopped and looked at me in the eyes.
"Alright, get those panties off."

I did what he told me to do. I took off my panties as he did too. He flipped me to the wall as I can feel his hands roaming in my ass. I shivered on his cold hands going around it. But I didn't want it to stop. I felt something went into my ass hard that I screamed and I can tell his dick was inside me. "A little warning wouldn't hurt Lance." That I wanted to tell him but I couldn't talk but groan and moan. He went right in my ear and moan there and I can feel that I was yet hitting in the climax. He thrust in and out slowly at first then a little faster that I couldn't hold it in and Lance moan right on my ear once more but a little louder that I hit in my climax.

I cummed everywhere that he stilled continues that I moaned louder. I can tell he wanted to hit on his climax that I started moving my body along with Lance.

Finally, Lance cummed inside of me and he took away his dick out of my ass. We both panted, like a lot. We saw the door opened and we both stared at it.
"To get out of this room...... WAS TO MAKE OUT WITH YOU?!?" I screamed with full of anger.
"I didn't know that alright?!? you wanted it too!" Lance yelled back.

As for Arabella was just there, smirking on the fight that Lance and Ceris were. She didn't care anything at all. She wanted to stay at this timeline and never die but then, she heard a British voice behind her. She turned around awkward and saw a British guy with eyeliner under his eyes, a Swaggy sweater with bandages around his arms, freckles and a turquoise hair. Along side was with a guy with white wings, white hair with a little star gem in his forehead, rainbow on his white clothing. "The Demi gods." Arabella cursed in enderman language.

"I can't believe that I was working with a dead vampire." Said the eyeliner guy.
"Listen, I wanted to see what happened eyeliner." Arabella replied. "And in fact, to see them together having their fun ."
"First off, don't ever call me Eyeliner. I had enough with that nickname, it's Callum, Cal or glow stick or mama Cal for shorts. Never use those alright. An second, your not even allow to be in this time. You said you were alive and we made a deal offer and you just left us and mess up with time!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT MY FATHER WILL DO?!?" Cal screamed at Arabella.
"Like I care."
" You better care vampire. Cuz our parents are the gods and you know that, they can bunish your soul in... T-tarturaus." The white winged guy said.
"To the portal, NOW!" Cal yelled and Arabella went in annoyed and angry.

"So, what now?" Said the white angel.
"We go back in time" cal replied.

They both hoped into the portal as for Ceris and Lance were looking for Arabella at the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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