Your mine (Kralos x Naues)

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I don't know how to do a skeleton sex scene so, take a human version cuz I'm dumb and stupid UvU

As Naues was walking down the road, he saw Kralos, and Hogsworth. He felt a beat in his heart for Kralos but Hogsworth was always in the way which made him a but furious. Kralos saw Naues with furious face, his eyes were dark, as if they were smoking. Naues then put a faked smile and joined them in. He wasn't paying attention on their talk but stare at his sweet Kralos.

"Hey Kralos, can I talk to you for a while? Private?" Naues asked as Kralos nods confused. Hogs then left as Naues took Kralos to his house. Naues told Kralos to wait for him in his room. As Kralos did, he locked everywhere and entered back to the room to see his Kralos, waiting patiently.
"So, what did u need me for?" Kralos eyes hit Naues as he walked towards him and smirked.
"Uh, Naues, are you ok? You are um getting near my face, weirdly..."
"Oh I am perfectly fine. But you make it different."
"What do you mean I make it different?"
Kralos eyes were full of fear as Naues was right in his face. Naues then pinned his arm above his head as Kralos was shaking a bit.
"Naues, whatever I did, I'm sorry. Don't hurt me please."
"You don't need to apologize. You are my life."
Before Kralos could speak, Naues connected their lips together. Kralos was shocked at first but slowly went into the kiss as they parted away. Naues face out a seductive smirk as Kralos knew what he was planning.
"I know what you are gonna do.." Kralos made some whimpers as he talked as Naues giggled a bit on his voice.
"Oh do you aye?"
Naues deep voice gave some shivers to Kralos as he nodes.
"Then, obey to me then."
"Y-yes master."
Naues smirked and kissed Kralos as Kralos kissed back. Naues had won fighting over for domains as Kralos moaned as it felt good, no, amazing.
They parted from the kiss once more as Naues went straight for the neck and started biting it passionately as Kralos started moaning a little messy. 
"Your moans are so sweet"
Naues seductive voice hit Kralos more as he moans and begged him to continue biting him. Naues did at his command and continues. Naues started giving Kralos, his sweet devil, some hickey's to show that he is his and only his. He didn't want anyone near his sweet Kralos, especially Hogsworth.
"Want to have the fun?"
Kralos face was all flustered as he nods and smiles a bit, he already made a little moaning sound as he smiled.

Naues took Kralos clothes and left them on the floor and bites on his abs, which were smooth and unmarked. Kralos continues moaning a lot. A while, Naues had marked over his body, he smiled as he tooked off his clothes and pinned Kralos on the bed.
"So, are you ready for it to be more, amazing?"
"I'm not really, I'm a little scare..."
Naues kissed Kralos soft lips again and smiled
"Your mine, and I promise one thing, I'll be gentle, I'll be fun, I'll be your everything."
Kralos then took his pants off while he was pinned in the bed as he tooked off his pants as well.


Hogsworth was coming and knocked the knocked door since he was going to have another chat with Kralos, he waited for a long time for him to open the door. He went to the room and saw Naues thrusting his wide dick into Kralos ass as he could hear the fading moans coming from there. Hogsworth ran and regret coming there. He will have a chat and tell it to his friends, nah, a secret is a secret. BUT WHY. Hogsworth screamed in his head terrified.

Hey guys, I'm in recess and I wrote this and next time, I'll add more details if I could, but take this.

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