Slayers magic love (Kayla x Viper -Fto)

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Kayla was laying on the grass she was on. She was inhaling the air and outhaled. She needed a break on training. She couldn't catch up with new spells and always fight monsters to protect Atlantia. She closed her eyes as she saw an image of her sweet Viper. His clothes were not covering up his chest which made Kay a bit of happy, the way he cover his eyes were, how can she describe it? Kayla gets a bit too excited to see her sweet Viper, but hey, she was a animal spiritual.

She opened her eyes as she heard someone called her name. She got up sitting down and looked behind her to see her Viper.
"Oh, Viper, your here too."
"Well yeah, need a break of Grimshade. Not the best place for dragon slayers. And you Kay? What are you here?"
"I'm just taking a little break before I train, ugh, I hate training. I wish I have some wobbly legs to make an excuse, or dates, or stuck, anything."

Viper and Kayla were looking at the sky. It was blue, as the clouds were making it brighter then it was.
"You know, I can try to help you with that, if that's what you want..." Viper turned his head away scared.
"Well, if it's anything, then count me in." Kayla stood up happy as she looked down at Viper which, his face was a blushing mess.
"Viper, are you shy to help me out?" Kayla teased on Viper as Viper looked at her... Well, that's what she thought since he does wear a mask but she knew he was looking at her.
"No. I'm not shy." Viper managed to said it.
"If you say sooooo." Kayla said in a sing tone.

She turned back looking at the sky. It was a mix of colors. She put a smirk across her face. She turned back facing Viper as she climbed on him. Viper was lost, asked if she was ok as she pressed her lips together with Vipers. Viper kissed her back as they parted and continued kissing, desperately. 

"Damn Kay, I don't think we should do it out here, don't you think?" Viper managed to say as Kayla agreed.
"But where do we go then? Oh, your house!" Kayla as Vipers face was brighter then before. "U-uh sure." He got up and picked Kayla up in a bridal style as she giggled.
They walked to Vipers house. As they went in, he went to his room and cleaned the room since it was full of weapons and such.
It took a while but not long as he opened the door telling Kayla his room in now clean.
  They entered as Viper kissed Kayla lips. He was holding her waist as Kayla was holding his head. They both fought for domains as Viper won. His tongue slipped inside Kayla's mouth as he devoured it all, not leaving a spot untouched.

Vipers hand slipped under Kayla's dress to her breast. She gasped as she can feel his cold hands right in her breast.
"What's the matter Kay honey? Car caught your tongue?" He smirked as he tooked her dress off. Leaving her half naked. With her bra on and her panties. "Damn Kay, your looking fucking hot." Viper said as Kayla walked to him. "I guess your hotter, always leaving your sweater open to show your bare chest off. It makes me happy" Kayla replied as she took off his sweet and pants. They both continue kissing as they were touching each others bare skin. Viper then pushed Kayla on his bed and went on top of her. 

And yada yada, they had seggs so. And I'm sorry to make it short but I'm tired xD

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