Chapter 6

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They all got to the house at the same time. I heard the car doors slamming and the cheers as they came up the walk. Dylan latched her to my leg as soon as Octavia opened the door. I smiled as she greeted the friends she saw earlier today. They were pretty excited to be here. I took in a breath, waiting as Raven came in first. She was followed by Finn. They were holding hands.

Which meant they were still together.

"Clarke!" Raven screamed my name and ran towards me. She hugged me tightly, laughing as she kissed my cheek, "don't ever leave me again. I've missed you."

I smiled, "I've missed you too."

Finn held back, his hand running through his hair as I looked towards him. I wasn't sure if I would consider us friends or friends by associated. I had known Raven before Finn, but he had always had a crush on me. He never acted on it because I was best friends with his girlfriend. I asked him once when we were drunk why he never kissed me. He told me Bellamy scared the shit of out him, he wasn't the type of guy who went after what didn't belong to him.

Lincoln squeezed Octavia before he found his way to me. We were friends because we both knew Bellamy's sister. Still I had a soft spot for the soft spoken kick boxing man. He was so loving to Octavia, I used to envy their life together. Now that they were engaged, I envied her more. Because he would never lay a hand on her. Something I never thought I would have to worry about.

He hugged me tightly, "if you need someone to help you dispose of the body," his words were soft as he pulled away, "I won't tell anyone. Only scumbags hit women."

I blushed, "yeah well he's the worst kind of scum there is."

Lincoln squeezed my shoulder and then followed his fiancée into the kitchen. I could smell the food cooking and my mouth watered. I was starving. Between getting attacked by John and then kissing Bellamy, I hadn't thought about food all day. Just thinking about kissing Bellamy made me want to do it all over again. Not that we had a chance to talk about it, because he ran off for his date when Octavia started making dinner.

So I was left to host a party with our friends, wondering what in the world he was thinking about. Did he want to kiss me? Or did he just think it would make me stop telling him he was an idiot for getting into a fight with my abusive husband? Was I blind to all the clues that he felt the same way I did? Or was I trying to hard to see things that weren't actually there?

So many questions and the person that had all the answers wasn't here.

Jasper came into the room next, hugging me tightly, "Clarke the lark," I laughed at his stupid nickname, "I'm so glad you're back. I'm tired of listening to Bellamy whine about how much he misses you."

I smiled moving in to his one armed hug, "Jasper, always the sentimental one," he was holding hands with a brunette who looked as scared as I knew Dylan was. She was hiding behind my legs. I smiled at her, "I'm Clarke. I'm guessing you're Maya."

She smiled, "that's me," she shook my hand and I could tell how important she was to Jasper. He didn't let go of her hand, "I've heard a lot about you. Mostly about how amazing you are."

I blushed, "my friends don't call me amazing," she nodded and I laughed again, "it's nice to meet you. Hopefully I'll get to see more of you and you can decide for yourself the extent of my awesomeness."

"That would be nice," she agreed and then Monty stepped in for his hug. I loved seeing everyone again. I couldn't believe how long it had been. Raven looked down at my legs and everyone stood in the living room waiting for me to move. Dylan's nails were biting into my skin, she was really nervous. This was the biggest group of people she had ever be around.

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