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"Good evening, sir. May I ask if you want anything? Coffee, tea, sandwich?" The flight stewardess asked while I'm too busy reading my speech for later.

"Sorry, darling. We'll just take coffee and one bottle of water please." Xander answered on my behalf. I felt a nudge in my side. but I didn't budge.

"Thank you." he mouthed as she put down all he ordered at the table.

I look at my watch to see that we still have a remaining thirty-five minutes left before we arrive in Korea.

"You didn't have to be too rude at that lady, she's just doing her job." I heard him murmur behind that just made my left brow rise.

I turn to him. "Why do I need to answer when you can do it for me?" I just heard him scoff but I didn't mind.

"Are you ready though?" he asked while sipping at his coffee with his pinky finger up. while I'm here, also asking the same question to myself.

I've been preparing for a long time for this. Of how I would manage the family business without creating any fuss around the world.

Most of the members of the board didn't like me for the position. but they didn't have any choice when it was my grandfather that meddled.

"I had to be." is all I can say to him. Xander already knows what that means.

"Good evening, dear passengers this is your captain speaking. we left London at exactly 7:00 pm. we have been flying for approximately ten hours and fifty-six minutes and landed at 5:56 in the morning. Have a great day and safe travels!"

The long announcement that came from the intercom excited me. which I don't know why. if it is because by the time I got out. I'll be free from the dark?

Or is it because there's that tiny hope that I'll find her somewhere?

"Come on, Lai. we still have a few hours to rest. it's not good for you to go with jetlag." Xander tapped my shoulder as he walk before me with a phone in his right ear.

He must be already in contact with the staff.

I put on the mask I've been keeping just Incase I'm not in the mood to show my face. the same as the specs that I brought to hide the remaining part of my face.

Some people might think I'm someone famous because from what I saw before it's what famous people do here to avoid the spotlight.

When I step out of the plane. just by walking down the stairs, I saw a black van rushing in our direction.

It all came out a bunch of people waiting for us I guess.

"Good morning, Mr. Knox. Did you have a nice flight?" A guy with a black suit asked as he passed my luggage to another guy.

I just nodded as a response and he didn't ask another so I went straight inside the van and rested.


Cameras flash in broad daylight, and even a red carpet is placed outside the hotel.

"Who the fuck notify the paparazzi?" I annoyingly asked Xander who is beside me scratching his nape.

"I don't know, man. I clearly said no press before the conference."

I groaned in annoyance and just walk past the people. ignoring every little question I didn't even know how it make sense and connected to me.

"Mr. Knox, is it true you're going to be the next heir?"

"Hey, Nickolai. Would you let apple, partner with you?"

"is it true, that you got an offer from bill gates himself? "

"How does it feel to get the position because your father is gone?"

The last question caught me off guard and I didn't notice that I'd been staring at that certain reporter for too long. he entertained the idea.

"There's nothing we can do about the press, Lai. Just ignore them and get some rest inside."

Xander supported me as we walked past them he was also the one who handled some who didn't understand the word. "No more questions."

"Alright, You have time before 9. The team will be coming at 10 to prepare you and the rest of the event. so have some rest I'll be beside-"

I cut him by shutting the door again without notice. "I get it, thanks." I said near the door so he can hear it.

I removed my mask and glasses, so as the coat I'm wearing to hand it behind.

I look around to see the same hotel I used a long time ago. the only difference is that I'm here to literally do something.

"When I wake up, would you be waiting for me in the lobby like before?"


"There! I think that's enough to get you home," she said while putting the remaining money we got from the ATM in my pockets.

While here I am staring at her, confused how can she act like nothing unusual happened just a while ago.

"You do know how to get home by yourself, right?" she asked so innocently that I never thought she can do stuff that I thought only existed in the movies.

Yet she still didn't receive any response from me.

She looks at me intently making me conscious of myself. She's busy staring at me while her arms are crossed.

"Right! You can't speak Korean so how would you know?" she blurted loud enough to catch attention.

Yet she didn't care less.

She grabbed my wrist again and took me inside the hotel. she dragged me to the main desk. there she had a talk with the lady.

If you ask me I have no idea what they are talking about. I just know it's about me because they keep glancing at me.

"Ne gamsahamnida." she turned to me and gave me her mischievous smile.

"I talked to her. she'll arrange transportation from here to the airport. since you're a hotshot. might as well just tell them your name. I think they'll figure it out to bring you back wherever you came from."

Her words are too normal to be true. is she for real?

after everything we experienced together in one night. suddenly she's sending me off like I'm just one stray dog she found in the street.

She waved me goodbye. the other words she said didn't even get to my head. all I know is that I've been staring at her.

Waiting for her to say that I should just stay.

That she doesn't want me to go.

Her figure starts to blur as she moves farther.

then I realized. it was water coming from my eyes.

"Sir, this is your hotel room key-"

I didn't let her finish and I dash out to chase her before she leaves.

just when I got to the entrance I saw the car just got started. so I ran fast as I can to stop it.

but the wrong part is. instead of chasing her. I chased the car that made me halt Infront while it was moving.

The last part I remember is the loud sound of the horn coming from the car and how the lights coming from it almost blind my sight.



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