Chapter 3

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Hunter didn't like how long this meeting was taking place. He didn't like the unknown, more specifically on a planet that was meant to be their sanctuary for him and his brothers till further notice. The head of security wouldn't appear on Bia's day off if it wasn't urgent, and he wasn't going to allow anything happen to Bia.

He sent the rest of them off to enjoy the festivities so he could sneak down the alleyway in case there was a surprise attack towards Bia. He really didn't care for the head of security because if she couldn't handle a few enemies then how the hell was she going to defend Bia. Not that Bia needed protection, obviously.

From what he could hear it wasn't good. Apoata sounded very relax about whatever they were discussing, while Bia was sounding very frustrated. She was attempting to control her anger. From what he could see from the corner of the building she was trying to keep that calm demeanor that royal officials are always expected.

"YOU TOLD ME THAT THIS WAS GOING TO BE TAKEN CARE OF BEFORE THE END OF YESTERDAY! YOU TOLD ME TH..THAT THIS WOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM ANYMORE!" Bia scolded Apoata who was currently leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. Hunter listened in as close as he could without drawing any form of suspicion towards his presence. He could feel her anxiety emitting off Bia like a sun beating against a piece of metal.

"Grand Duchess I can only work in the confine of the laws that have been established since the founding of the Ascendancy." He didn't even need his heightened senses to feel that Bia was going to explode at her head of security.

"How dare you lecture me on how to obey the law!"

"We have a few leads but there's no readings or anything to give us a definite search. The last place our lead took us was to an old research facility that was partially torn down a few cycles ago." The way her head of security was brushing off the entire situation as if it wasn't an issue. It was rather relaxed which not only was causing Bia's blood to boil, but Hunter was wanting to round the corner and lecture her head of security on how to properly handle this job. He's done many security jobs in the past for all sorts of diplomats and royalty.

"Give me the name of that research facility and I will investigate it on my own."

"Mam if you were to somehow get..."

"You are to never address me as 'mam'! Give me the name of the research facility or I will have you arrested for conspiracy and treason for allowing harm to come to your Grand Duchess!" The way she spoke to her head of security caused Hunter to gulp. He never heard her speak in this tone, ever. Even when people were making her angry when they were first here it was never like this. 

"Laboratory of Power and Energy, facility number seven." Hunter will have Tech dive into the history of that facility once they're back at the palace.

"You have until the morning of the Freechase game to find me any form of evidence from the lab. When I arrive to the facility that morning, and if I see one scrap of technology that has been recently used, you will be placed under arrest. Is that understood Kthira'Apoata'Vutbahran?" The way Bia threatened her with prison time almost made Hunter shiver. This once calm and relaxing woman who never yelled at anyone and has a heart of gold caused Hunters eyes to widen. There was a part of him wondered what exactly happened after the batch left, but whatever happened it has gone sour for Bia.

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