Memories 1

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"What we are witnessing here today is not only an achievement in the scientific field, but it's also a great achievement for the Ascendancy! The second daughter inline for the Cspala family will be launching into the galaxy, circling one of the suns, then returning to the planet! The strange phenomenon that has allowed her to fly into space happened when she was a child when a trading ship exploded on the dock! Somehow, she was able to absorb the ion energy to become what scientist described as a walking engine. And now after years of research and studying her abilities, today is the day they'll be testing if it's possible for her to fly in outer space!"

For the Cspala family.

For Cioral.

For the Chiss Ascendancy.

For the people.

Those words have been drilled into her head since the incident. All the pain and suffering that has happened was all to create a better future for the people. To keep them safe from the monstrosities that loom in the unknown region.

That was one of the biggest lies she had ever been told. It wasn't about keeping the people safe. It was all for her family to rise to the top of everyone. Her father knew this, mother, and sister. Bia knew it ever since this whole thing began.

The landing pad was a large circle as Bia stood in the center checking every part of suit for takeoff. The leather suit fit tightly around her body with her oxygen tanks strapped her back in what seemed like an endless number of harnesses. The oxygen tanks against her back harness were uncomfortable but for her first flight she was fine with it. Her helmet was tucked underneath her arm as she was looking up at the sky above her, as she was about to take her first launch into space.

"We are set for ignition." The com went off in her helmet as she placed it over her head, then locking it in.

"Flight recorders are on." She could hear everyone in the control room getting ready for the launch.

"A minute thirty seconds." The voices were all different in the com as Bia could see the endless amount of people here to watch the first take off. All the families of the Chiss Ascendency were waiting to see if she would be able to make it into space with her abilities.

"Oxygen tanks are at 100%."

"Alright Duchess. The entire Ascendancy is watching, no pressure." One of the scientists that she recognized from her childhood told her over the com as she chuckled.

"Well, if I die, just don't let them do an open casket. It'll be like scraping a bug off a window if I die."

"T-minus one minute."

Though she kept her body perfectly still in front of the entire Ascendancy along with the camera crew to keep any negative reviews about her being scared. Even though it was the absolutely truth. She was scared out of her mind, but if this was her death it would be her time. After everything, death seemed almost a blessing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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