NCT Shotaro - Choreographer

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TW:  Physical Assault, panic attack, sexual harassment, blood

If you get triggered by any of these things then you can skip this chapter, your health is more important. 

Shotaro's POV~

The first thing I heard was silence, I didn't wanna open my eyes yet so I kept them closed for a while, I guess it was a little early since I can't hear anyone in the living room. I cuddled more into my pillow trying to fall asleep again but after 10 minutes to no avail, I let out a sigh before turning around and grabbing my phone from the nightstand.

When I unlocked it, it was 4:30 AM so no wonder the dorm is so quiet. I looked to my right and saw Sungchan sleeping peacefully. I didn't wanna disturb his sleeping so I took my phone and my blanket to head to the living room, maybe some Chamomile Tea will help me to sleep as the alarm won't go off for another 4 hours, and tomorrow we have the first dance practice for beautiful MV so I need to be in the best shape and well-rested. When I opened my room's door I tried to be as quiet as possible because everyone need their sleep and it's a rare chance for them to have more than 8 hours of sleep. I made my way to the kitchen and put the water to boil before going to the living room and sitting on the couch and pulling the blanket closer to me.

I don't know what happened one minute I was waiting for the water to boil and the next Johnny Hyung was playing with my hair and telling me to wake up. When I opened my eyes I saw everyone in the living room doing different things.

"Hey Taro, Are you okay? why weren't you sleeping in your room? your neck and back must be sore" Taeyong Hyung asked quietly sitting beside me on the other side of the couch and massaging my shoulders and my neck.

"I woke up last night at 4 AM and couldn't go back to sleep so thought about making some chamomile tea to help me but I was cold so I sit here waiting for the water to boil, I'm not sure when I slept though," I said letting out a small yawn. I stood up and stretched my body, my shoulders were so tense but I hope a warm shower will solve the problem.

"Hey Taro, when you finish your shower come and have breakfast, I'll save you a plate," Jeahyun Hyung said from the table before coming to me and ruffling my hair.

"Thank you Hyung, I'll be quick," I said making my way to my room to get a towel and my toothbrush. The moment the warm after hit my shoulders, I felt them relax and the knots slowly becoming loose. I know that I need to be quick so I can have enough time for breakfast and e wouldn't be late for our first dance practice for beautiful without a new choreographer. our old one is getting married so we had a substitute one for the next few months. I washed my hair and body as fast as I can and when I finished I dried my hair but didn't style it because it's gonna get messed up when I practice anyways. I took out comfy black pants and an oversized white shirt before putting on the pants and tucking the shirt in it, it was a bit chilly today so I put on a jacket. I grabbed my bag and made sure everything is in there before grabbing my phone and a black mask. when I made sure I had everything I needed I made my way to the living room where some were already dressed and ready to leave while others were still in their pajamas and having breakfast

"Morning Taro Hyung," said Jisung with a bright smile on his face.
"Morning Jisungie, slept well ?" I asked with a wide smile as bright as his. If you saw Jisung smile then there's no way that you won't smile either.

He nodded before going back to eating and chatting with Jeno and Haechan. I finished rather fast but still finished all my food. I put the plate in the sink before pulling my sleeves up so I can wash it. Sometimes we get turns who will do the dishes but my parents always told me to wash my dish so I always wash my plate after eating.

While waiting for the rest to finish eating I opened Twitter to waste the time left. while scrolling I saw a lot of encouraging words towards us but then a certain tweet caught my eyes.

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