Enhypen Sunoo - Hiking

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TW: Mentions of blood so if you get triggered by that then please skip this chapter.

Sunoo POV~

Vacations are always the best reward we can get after finishing promoting a new album. Don't get me wrong I love being an idol but after weeks of promoting and dancing to our latest title track with no rest or break in between it can be very tiring, physically and mentally. so when our CEO said we're getting a 2 weeks break, everyone was over the moon.

"Alright everyone, we're leaving tomorrow at 8 AM so make sure you prepare your bags before you sleep so you won't have to rush to prepare them tomorrow and forget something also make sure you don't stay up till late so you won't miss your alarm in the morning, " Our manager said once we reached our dorm. We all gave a nod before wishing him a good night and exiting the van. 

"Okay everyone, You heard our manager, everyone take a shower first then start to pack your things, it's still 7 PM so there is no need to hurry, make sure you pack everything you need and double-check everything once you finish so you won't have to do it tomorrow, Okay?" Heeseung Hyung said once we were inside the dorm.

Everyone agreed with either an 'Okay' or gave a small nod before making their way to their rooms to shower. When I arrived at my room, Jungwon and Ni-Ki were already starting to take their clothes off the hanger was about to ask them where Sunghoon is but then I hear the water running in the bathroom so I knew he was taking a shower first. I was about to take my bag out of the closet but before I could I heard a knock before the door opened revealing Jay Hyung with wet hair and a towel hanging closely around his nick

"Hey guys, The other bathroom is empty if anyone wants to use it," He said before disappearing into the living room, probably to cook something for later.

"Sunoo Hyung can go first, me and Jungwon Hyung still preparing our bags also Sunghoon Hyung doesn't take a lot of time showering," Ni-Ki said before throwing a towel at me and trying to push me out of the door. I was about to protest when the bathroom opened and Sunghoon came out dressed in his pajamas and putting his hair dryer away

"See, now go and shower so you will have enough time to pack everything," Ni-Ki said before taking his towel and disappearing into the bathroom. I let out a sigh before making my way to the main bathroom. It didn't take me long to shower and do my night skin routine. When I got dressed I was too lazy to dry my hair so I kist put a towel on my neck before making my way to the living room. I saw Jack and Ni-Ki playing on their phones and the others except for Jay and Heeseung are cheering for them.

"Hey Sunoo, wanna play with us?" Jake said with his usual warm and cheerful smile.

"Thanks, Hyung but I guess I'll pass this time," I said with an apologizing smile before going to the kitchen. As expected Jay and Heeseung were cooking our dinner. Jay was chopping some vegetables while Heeseung Hyung was stirring something on the stove.

"Hey Sunoo, need something?" Jay Hyung asked once he noticed me standing.

"Nah, I'm just making sure you don't burn down our kitchen," I said with a teasing smile before sticking my tongue out and running out of the kitchen to the living room.

"SUNOO!" I heard Jay Hyung scream before letting out a short laugh and going back to cooking.

"What did you do this time?" Sunghoon said with a knowing look.

"Nothing," I said innocently while making the puppy eyes I could master at them.

They all laughed and returned to the game that was now between Jake and Jungwon, I didn't wanna join so instead I turned my body and folded my legs so I can be fully on the sofa before wrapping my arms around the person who was sitting next to me which happened to be Ni-Ki, he didn't say anything just turned his body so he wasn't lying down, wrapped his arms around my waist before positioning my head to be on his shoulder probably before tilting his head on mind. I let out a sigh before relaxing against him. Cuddling with Ni-Ki is always warm and it helps me regain my energy. I would almost fall asleep if it wasn't for Ni-Ki shaking me.

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