ATEEZ Yeosang - Ignored

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Yeosang POV~

When I decided that I wanted to be an idol and got accepted by BigHit I only had one purpose in front of me, train hard, accumulate and improve my skills and eventually make my debut. Never in a million years would I have imagined getting one of the best friendships I had in my life there. When I first got introduced to the other trainees, Wooyoung was one of the very few people that approached me first as I looked a little cold and arrogant but that was because I wasn't there to make friends I was there to make my debut but no matter how many times I brushed him off or dismissed his loud remarks he still kept coming to me and asking me to be his friend ultimately I subconsciously became used to have him around me, if there would be a day where he would be busy to come and annoy me, I would unconsciously look around for him. Eventually, I warmed up to him, and I noticed that our friendship was peculiar due to having completely different personalities but it was very well-balanced. He was the loud, extrovert, and playful one while I was the funny quiet, and introverted one, so unlike personalities yet we counterbalanced each other very well. When one day he made a promise to me that we must debut together or fail together, only then I realized how much he meant to me. After that promise, he became my safe place, a friend who I can tell my mistakes without worrying that he'll judge me for it, a brother who I was certain would stick together with me till the very end.

When I decided to leave BigHit, I was devastated to lose such a friendship as I had with Wooyoung but when he showed up at KQ audition day, to say I was shocked would be an understatement, he left a very big chance to debut with one of the best companies in South Korea to keep our promise to debut together. I may hadn't shown it at that time but I was deeply touched by his act. When I knew we were debuting together I was over the moon, finally, our dream was coming true.

"Sangie, wake up," A high-pitched voice with no mistake Wooyoung's said before I felt a soft hand shaking me.

I groaned before turning to the other side and shoving my head back into my fluffy and soft pillow.

"Come on, Yeosang wake up" He whined before letting out a yawn. a few seconds later, I felt the bed behind me dropping before a pair of hands was wrapped around my waist and a head was pressed against my back.

"Fine, 10 more minutes but if we got scolded it's your fault" he whispered before relaxing his body completely. His body heat was so soothing so I moved backward so that my back was attached to his chest before letting out a content sigh and closing my eyes.

A few minutes later I feel a hand playing with my hair, when I opened my eyes I saw Hongjoong sitting beside me running his figures through my hair. I felt a movement behind me seconds before the arms around my waist disappeared. I whined quietly missing the heat before I heard a giggle and the arms were back around me again.

"You were supposed to wake him up, Woo. not sleeping and cuddling him, Now you both would need to rush so we won't be late for our photo shooting" Hongjoong scolded Wooyoung softly.

"Come on Hyung, An extra 15 minutes won't hurt beside you said we have a photo shoot so we should get our beauty sleep so we wouldn't look tired for the shoot" replied Wooyoung with no doubt a teasing smile on his face.

"It's okay Hyung, I'm up now, I took a shower yesterday before going to bed so I can skip it and just change into some decent clothes and grab something light to eat then I'll be good to go," I said, slowly removing Wooyoung's arms from around me before sitting uptight and going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and face. They just gave me a nod before leaving but not without Hongjoong ruffling my hair and reminding me to hurry and Wooyoung leaving a kiss on my cheek before sprinting out of the room laughing and giggling to himself. I felt a smile creeping up on my face before chuckling and then disappearing into the bathroom.

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