Stray Kids Felix - misperception

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Felix's POV~

Comeback seasons have always been hectic, our dancing practice would be doubled, heavy vocal practice, filming the music video, and recording the songs of the album. Times like this are when our schedule would be so tight that we can barely have time to eat or sleep, as weird as it sounds to be said out loud but we got used to it, sleeping for only 3 or 4 hours is normal for an idol but this time is a little different.

Ever since I woke up this morning I felt off, like there was a fog around my brain, at first I brushed it off as not fully waking up yet but by the time we were inside the van, I could feel a headache forming behind my eyes so I just closed my eyes a little hoping to ease it a bit. I made a mental note to find some medicine once we reach the company.

The ride to the company was weirdly quiet as normally everyone would be joking around and chatting but it's understandable as yesterday we had a long day with 9 hours of dance practice and 3 hours vocal practice and only 4 hours of sleep so everyone was pretty exhausted Especially Minho Hyung as he was assigned to choreograph the dance for our newest comeback, he would stay at the practice room for a long time and Come home after 2 in the morning so he was heavily sleep deprived but whenever one of us try to make him catch a break or take a nap, he would brush us off saying that he will when he feels like needing one.

"Hey lix, you okay?" the voice of my Binne Hyung brought me out of my head but instead of replying I simply nodded As I was too tired to even speak.

"We're here" our manager shouted from the driver's seat after 10 minutes of peaceful silence and I winced, his loud voice didn't do any good to my headache but didn't open my eyes yet.

"Hey Felix, you coming?"

When I opened my eyes I was surprised that I was the only one left inside the van along with Jisung who was holding the door open, I didn't even hear the other opening the door or leaving.

"Yeah, I'm coming," I said once I realized that I still didn't answer.

"Hey Felix, you okay ? You seem a little unfocused?". Jisung asked with a worried expression

" I'm fine Ji, a little tired, that's all" I replied quietly before taking my bag and climbing out of the van and not forgetting to close the door behind me. When I walked inside I headed in the opposite direction of our practice room to go to the infirmary.

"Where are you going ? We're gonna be late".

He said pulling me with him towards the dance studio, I tried to object but every time I open my mouth he would cut me off so in the end I just gave up As I felt my headache getting worst the more that I argue and just hoped that our choreographer and Minho Hyung would go a little easy on us today.

When we reached the dance studio, Jisung pushed me in first, probably to make sure I won't go anywhere.

"Come on everyone, get in your position, we have a lot of work to do today," Our choreographer said, connecting his phone to the speaker before moving to the front of the studio so he can see everyone.

Not long after everyone was in his position, we started by running through the part we learned yesterday before learning the new part today. in the middle of the dance, I started to feel how my eyes would hurt whenever I look in the light for more than 10 seconds, or my headache got worst whenever someone is speaking near me but I would just rub my eyes and shake my head and Focus on my dancing and placing my legs in their right place.

After dancing the first part 4 times and the choreographer making sure that no one did any mistakes, we finally begin learning the chorus part.

The chorus part was harder with a lot of moves and fast speed as a result after only an hour almost everyone was ready to collapse, I could feel how my muscles ached and my legs burned but, I kept dancing. When the music stopped I bent a little with my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.

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