Chapter 12: Gym Leader #2- Sabrina!

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7:51pm. Inside the gym, Barry sighed and looked at the starting warp. He had on a worried expression.

"Well Barry," I mocked, "can you?" He stood up straight and inhaled, smiling a fake smile and said, "I walked through Victory Road twice. Once to get to the Elite 4, and the other because I dropped a repel. I can do anything!" But he looked at the warp again, and his smile fell easily.

"Lets go," White urged. He stepped on the warp first, and deteriorated into the air with a red light. White went 2nd, and I last.

We came up at the first trainer, a psychic. He bowed and showed us to a warp next to us. "The right one, victors." Victors? How nice. Barry grinned and charged on in. I turned to the psychic.

"Are you sure its this warp?" I asked.

He nodded. "Of course. Lady Sabrina ordered us to."

"Uh, ok. Well, thanks." Me and White stepped on the warp. To the next. Why didn't they do this the first time? Well, White whined because she didn't want to battle all these people, sooooo... we snuck in the shadows of the walls to random warps. We only battled that person, then we decided to kick the battling and take the chance. Well, 4 hours and no work. We ended up at the start.

We battled 7 more trainers. An old lady put on a thin grin and bowed, like the others did, and guestured to a warp. This warp was a bronze-colored, which I think meant Sabrina. Hooray for battling!

"Sheesh! Haha!" White cheered, then she was the first to hop onto the warp. We were after her. There, there was a woman. She wore a pink tanktop, white pants with a black belt, she had blackish-bluish hair, and she had glowing green metal bands around her wrists. She also had a creepy-Barry-smile, which weirded me out.

"I had a visionof your arrival," she said. "I have had psychic powers since I was a child. It started when a spoon I carelessly tossed, bent." TwistedSpoon? My friend's Wynaut holds it. Cool!

"I dislike battling, but if you wish, I will show you my powers!" She snapped her fingers, and a psychic came out of the warp. She tossed a Poke Ball up and down in her hands like she was going to chuck it at us. She didn't, she threw out a Pokemon, Abra. Sabrina sent out Kadabra.

"Alright! Lets go! Kirlia!" Kirlia teleported in front of White. "Kir lia!"

"Lets battle, Riolu!" Riolu jumped, doing a flip in the air. "Ri riolu!"

"Move first," Sabrina's  partner, Ariana, said to me.

"Riolu, Ice Punch!" I had no idea how much damage it was going to do on a psychic, but I did it anyway. It landed on Kadabra, but I don't think it hurt him. He still stood strong.

"Abra, Psychic."

"Kadabra, Future Sight." Future Sight was set on Kirlia, and Psychic was hit on Riolu. It blew him back a ways, but he's tough. Handle it, Riolu! "Force Palm!" I yelled, copying his motions. It was going to hit Kadabra again, but Sabrina just chuckled.

"Dodge." Her Pokemon stepped aside, and Riolu's attack blew right past, hitting Abra square in the forehead. Ariana gasped, but Sabrina just pointed to the ceiling in a satesfactory way. "Don't be so reckless."

"Get on with it!" Barry yelled. White stood into action and commanded Kirlia to teleport into the air and use Confusion. She ordered Riolu to Ice Punch it, too.

"Huh? White, thats my Pokemo-" But, Riolu did it anyway. He froze the Confusion, and It landed on Kadabra with a lot of light. When it cleared, it fainted. Sabrina brought out her next Pokemon.

"Mr. Mime," it cried, waddling back and forth. Ariana brought out another Abra. Kirlia took the Future Sight attack, and was knocked out of the air. Barry caught her and set her down, and she twirlled to show that she was ok.

"Kirlia, Confusion!"

"Abra! Confusion!"

"Riolu, Counter!"

"Mr. Mime. Baton Pass." Darn! Our Pokemon hit each other. Sabrina was clearly enjoying this. She sent out Venomoth. White's Kirlia seemed low on HP. Riolu was confused. Ariana's Abra fainted.

"Good job, Ari," Sabrina said, and the trainer backed into the shadows. "Venomoth, use Psybeam." It hit Riolu, and Riolu fell to the ground, but got back up.

"Riolu... don't attack yourself... Force Palm!" It hit the wall, which rebounded and hit Venomoth. I sighed in relief. Barry just annoyed me again by saying to me, "Tamaki, your so calm!" Sabrina returned Venomoth and brought out Mr. Mime again. He mocked me by sticking his tongue out and squatting.

"Kirlia, Confusion!"

"Riolu, Counter!"

"Protect." me and White's Pokemon simply bounced off. We all caled the same moves, but Protect failed, and Mr. Mime fainted. Sabrina just blinked. Us girls cheered and hugged our Pokemon...

"Alakazam." She took out her last  Pokemon.

"Whaaaaaat?!" White and I yelled together. Sabrina giggled and weilded her hand.

We all said the same things again, but instead of Protect, she used Psybeam. All hit each other, and there was an explosion.

"Kirlia!" Kirlia down.

"Riolu!" Riolu down.


"Zam!" The smoke cleared, and everyone's Pokemon was down. Sabrina sighed yet again.

"Well. I agree that this was pretty interesting. Long time since I had any battle like this, and I forgot. Here are your badges." She handed us two badges, the Marsh Badges.

"Goodbye!" She waved us off as we stepped on the warp on the opposite side of the room. We left, feeling great about ourselves entirely.

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