Chapter 4: Gym Leader #1- Lt. Surge!

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"Um, I guess since we're right next to Vermilion, we should train up to go there." That sounded like a good idea to me, so I agreed and we were off.

I trained up a little, teaching Riolu to use Force Palm, and White evolved her Ralts. She was quick at doing that. I had asked her how she had done it, but she just said, "The art of evolution is a wonderous thing. You never know when your Pokémon is going to change." After that, we started heading back to Vermilion.

"You know," Touko said, "since we are going to battle together, I guess the Gym Leader will have to call up a normal Pokémon trainer." Normal trainers were pretty simple, considering I beat 3 in a row.

"Thats easy," I replied, "right?" She smiled.

"Nope!" I looked suprised. She giggled. "From what I learned back in Unova, thinking your strong isn't what it seems. You have to think quality, not quantity." I thought about what she meant.

I gave up quickly. "What does that mean?"

"It means you cant give up too quickly either, silly!" What? Is she testing me? "Are you testing me?"

She laughed this time. "No! Im giving you advice!" As I was going over what she gave, I ran into the Vermilion sign. "Ugf!" I sprawled on the ground. White, her Kirlia, and Riolu laughed at me. They helped me up.

"Haha, that was funny! You sure you dont have brain damage?" She reached to poked my head, but I leaned away and beamed. "Im fine! Now lets just go to the Gym. Alright?" She nodded and we started walking again.

Soon, we were inside the Gym. There was a bunch of trash cans standing in a row. Electicity passed through behind them. As for me, I felt nervous. All the trainers were watching us. Riolu, however, stood loud and proud. Same with White, but... shes White. Shes supposed to be loud and proud. She is.

"What are you waiting for?" White interrupted. She looked at her Kirlia, and smiling like someone gave her a free shiny Arceus, waltzed up to a trainer and battled right away. She looked at me and added, "Meet me at the Gym Leader!"

I sighed and looked at Riolu. He seemed pumped... thats good. I walked to the trash can to get a look inside. Nothing. What is this? Lets recap!

1. Only, like, 3 trainers

2. about 9000 trash cans

3. Nothing in them.

How? How am I supposed to do this?! I looked through the next one. Nothing. For the next 6 minutes, I was getting pretty annoyed with empty trash cans. If this guy likes pulling jokes, he did a good job. He's also getting a good job of having his face punched off his little jokey head.

I grumpily stared down the last trash can I will ever set my eyes on. There was something there, unlike all the others. "A button," I said, reaching down to press it. An intercom overhead said, "2 buttons pushed. Please go on." What? I didn't push another button... thats when I noticed White halfway in the can right next to me. She got out.

"Hi! Betcha didnt look in here!" She replied to my death glare. The electrical line was sucked back into the shoot. We all went on.

There, Lt. Surge awaited with a grin on his overly muscled face. Forget what I said about me punching him... he looks like he might punch me first. He didnt. He just smiled his military smile.

"I see," He said. "You wont live long in combat. Thats for sure." He looked at our puny Pokémon. "I'll tell you kids, electric Pokémon saved me during the war! They zapped my enemies into paralysis. The same as we'll do to you!" He snapped his fingers, and a little boy came out. He smiled sweetly. We're supposed to battle him? Then, the battle began.

Lt. Surge sent out Voltorb first. The little boy sent out Pikachu. Considering we only have 1 Pokémon, you bet they went out. He said for White to make her move.

"Alrighty-o! Kirlia, Confusion on Voltorb!"

"Kir kir!" Her Pokémon shouted back, then did as she was told.

The battle took forever. The little boy, or as Lt. Surge called, Raymen, used his Pikachu for Growl, which we got through speedy quick, then his last Pokémon was another Pikachu. As for Lt. Surge, His Voltorb used Tackle, my Riolu used Force Palm, he fainted. He brought out Pikachu. Everyone has Pikachu these days.

He used Tackle again, Kirlia used Cofusion, I used Counter, faint. His last Pokémon.

"Go, Raichu!" He shouted, tossing a Pokéball. Out came Pikachu's evolution.

"Riolu, Counter again, lets go!" Lt. Surge chuckled. "You cannot avoid this.. this is your nightmare!" Raichu cried angrily. Before Counter reached it, it used Thunderbolt. My Riolu hit the ceiling, shaking the whole gym. "Hey!" I yelled, running to Riolu's aid. I picked him up bridal-style and nodded to White. She nodded back.

"Kirlia, Teleport!" Lt. Surge looked confused. Then, Kirlia appeared right infront of Raichu and grabbed his tail, tripping him. Raichu struggled to get up, but she did it again. This time, Raichu got mad and Thunderbolted her.

Thankfully, she was still alive. "Kir kirli lia!!" She said, throwing Confusion after Confusion after Confusion. It all hit Raichu, but he was still standing.

Riolu tried to prop himself up, but he couldnt move. Paralysis. Kirlia tripped Raichu again. This time, Raichu didnt move either.

"I... I dont believe it..." The Gym Leaser said, returning his Pokémon. "Whoa! Your the real deal, kids! Fine, then. Take these Thunder badges." He handed one to me and one to White. He also gave us money. I shoved it in my pocket.

"The Thunder badge cranks up your Pokémon's speed. It also lets your pokémon Fly any time, kids! Your special, kids. Take these." He gave us  CD-type things. Its color was yellow. "TM24, Thunderbolt. Teach it to an electric Pokémon!" He then shooed us off.

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