Chapter 3

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I started off fixing and starting up most things around the shop, it was relatively clean around here so I didn't clean much, the counters would be kind of dusty so I had to clean that, of course, and the tables would need to be cleaned.

I've been through this process for around a year and a half now, so this is easy in a sense.

Anyway, as I said the thought of this, Elios finally made it to work, he looked tired, still sleepy maybe? Not my problem, anyway we'll have to work for only six hours, so after that, we're free to do anything, sleeping can come in a bit Elios, be patient.


After a while of working, the two assumed it would be a typical day for them. It wasn't too crowded as other regular days, but it was good enough for the day to breeze out.

The typical bell ding! was heard as the next customer opened the door, walking in. It didn't take long for Yohan to realize that the person who came in was Hanamika, a friend of his who was also like him. Both didn't like talking much with other people besides close friends or family, were they introverts? Not quite, but close enough, as she came by Yohan called her out, it was normal for them to call out or scream at each other while they talk.

"So, what would you like today?" Yohan asked.

Hana was quiet, though, she didn't want to order her usual drink, so she asked Yohan about something she has tried before.

"Can you make up something for me? The usual isn't for me today" she requested.

Yohan thought for a moment, "Well, I could make you a blonde vanilla latte. It's not too strong, a bit sweet, and fits the cold weather. Would you like that?:

Hana slightly smiled, before an almost soundless voice came out of her mouth, "Yeah, that's fine."

He smiled back at his friend, "Alright then, let me get that for you."

Yohan went to the machine to make the coffee. Elios on the other hand, who hadn't been doing much besides taking orders from the other line, started talking to Hana meanwhile.

"So, how's your day been?" He asked, trying to initiate the conversation. Although there wasn't much to ask her, Elios decided that would be the best question to ask, especially as it was a weekend.

Hana quickly answered, "Well, it could be better, but it's not horrible or anything. I think it's alright for the most part."

It was a pleasant answer, and it was quite normal for Elios to receive this answer from her. Somewhat a quick answer which was common for them to say.

"So, how did Yohan react to meeting Emma?"  She questioned.

Elios thought for a moment, all in all, there wasn't a lot that had happened last night between them, only thing was that they had to sleep together on the couch but other than that it was fine.

He responded to her question, "It was okay, they had to sleep together on the same couch but honestly other than that nothing else happened," he continued, "I suppose they just had this awkward tension between them."

A bit curious by his response, Hana tried to pry more into it, resting her face on her hand, she continued, "Well, did he say anything about her?"

Elios struggled to remember, again, there wasn't much he could talk about. Though, he did think of one thing.

He hummed, not sure of himself, "Yohan did act a bit strange around her," he pondered for a second, ruffling his white hair to recall what happened, "Just stared at her for a few minutes, almost like he was studying her, or rather.. admiring her? Not sure."

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